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Thank you. Thank you, President Chen, Chairmen Ren, Vice President Chi, Vice Minister Wei. We are delighted to be here today with a

As I'm sure all of you know, this campus was once home to Yenching University which was founded by American missionaries. Many of its wonderful buildings were designed by an American architect.a new political situation, unprecedented from ancient times to the present. How wonderful it is. Those words were not written by an American. They were written by Xu Jiyu, governor of Fujian Province, inscribed as a gift from the *** of China to our nation in 1853.

pressing forward足球,pressup足球

I am very grateful for that gift from China. It goes to the heart of who we are as a people -- the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of h***iness, the freedom to debate, to dissent, to associate, to worship without interference from the state. These are the ideals that were at the core of our founding over 220 years ago. These are the ideas that led us across our continent and onto the world stage. These are the ideals that Americans cherish today.

As I said in my press conference with President Jiang, we h***e an ongoing quest ourselves to live up to those ideals. The people who framed our Constitution understood that we would never achieve perfection. They said that the mission of America would always be "to form a more perfect union" -- in other words, that we would never be perfect, but we had to keep trying to do better.

The darkest moments in our history h***e come when we abandoned the effort to do better, when we denied freedom to our people because of their race or their religion, because there were new immigrants or because they held unpopular opinions. The best moments in our history h***e come when we protected the freedom of people who held unpopular opinion, or extended rights enjoyed by the many to the few who had previously been denied them, making, therefore, the promises of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution more than faded words on old parchment.

Today we do not seek to impose our vision on others, but we are convinced that certain rights are universal -- not American rights or European rights or rights for developed nations, but the birthrights of people everywhere, now enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights -- the right to be treated with dignity; the right to express one's opinions, to choose one's own leaders, to associate freely with others, and to worship, or not, freely, however one chooses.

In the last letter of his life, the author of our Declaration of Independence and our third President, Thomas Jefferson, said then that "all eyes are opening to the rights of man." I believe that in this time, at long last, 172 years after Jefferson wrote those words, all eyes are opening to the rights of men and women everywhere.

Over the past two decades, a rising tide of freedom has lifted the lives of millions around the world, sweeping away failed dictatorial systems in the Former Soviet Union, throughout Central Europe; ending a vicious cycle of military coups and civil wars in Latin America; giving more people in Africa the chance to make the most of their hard-won independence. And from the Philippines to South Korea, from Thailand to Mongolia, freedom has reached Asia's shores, powering a surge of growth and productivity.

Economic security also can be an essential element of freedom. It is recognized in the United Nations Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. In China, you h***e made extraordinary strides in nurturing that liberty, and spreading freedom from want, to be a source of strength to your people. Incomes are up, poverty is down; people do h***e more choices of jobs, and the ability to tr***el -- the ability to make a better life. But true freedom includes more than economic freedom. In America, we believe it is a concept which is indivisible.

Over the past four days, I h***e seen freedom in many manifestations in China. I h***e seen the fresh shoots of democracy growing in the villages of your heartland. I h***e visited a village that chose its own leaders in free elections. I h***e also seen the cell phones, the video players, the fax machines carrying ideas, information and images from all over the world. I've heard people speak their minds and I h***e joined people in prayer in the faith of my own choosing. In all these ways I felt a steady breeze of freedom.

The question is, where do we go from here? How do we work together to be on the right side of history together? More than 50 years ago, Hu Shi, one of your great political thinkers and a teacher at this university, said these words: "Now some people say to me you must sacrifice your individual freedom so that the nation may be free. But I reply, the struggle for individual freedom is the struggle for the nation's freedom. The struggle for your own character is the struggle for the nation's character."

We Americans believe Hu Shi was right. We believe and our experience demonstrates that freedom strengthens stability and helps nations to change.

One of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, once said, "Our critics are our friends, for they show us our faults." Now, if that is true, there are many days in the United States when the President has more friends than anyone else in America. (Laughter.) But it is so.

In the world we live in, this global information age, constant improvement and change is necessary to economic opportunity and to national strength. Therefore, the freest possible flow of information, ideas, and opinions, and a greater respect for divergent political and religious convictions will actually breed strength and stability going forward.

It is, therefore, profoundly in your interest, and the world's, that young Chinese minds be free to reach the fullness of their potential. That is the message of our time and the mandate of the new century and the new millennium.

I hope China will more fully embrace this mandate. For all the grandeur of your history, I believe your greatest days are still ahead. Against great odds in the 20th century China has not only survived, it is moving forward dramatically.

Other ancient cultures failed because they failed to change. China has constantly proven the capacity to change and grow. Now, you must re-imagine China again for a new century, and your generation must be at the heart of China's regeneration.

The new century is upon us. All our sights are turned toward the future. Now your country has known more millennia than the United States has known centuries. Today, however, China is as young as any nation on Earth. This new century can be the dawn of a new China, proud of your ancient greatness, proud of what you are doing, prouder still of the tomorrows to come. It can be a time when the world again looks to China for the vigor of its culture, the freshness of its thinking, the elevation of human dignity that is ***arent in its works. It can be a time when the oldest of nations helps to make a new world.

The United States wants to work with you to make that time a reality.

Thank you very much. (***lause.)

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Football originated in China. Because of the limitations of the feudal society, China's ancient Cuju ultimately did not develop into a "fair competition" for the principles of modern sport. This is a qualitative leap in the British capitali*** completed. London Queen Street freemasons pubs, which is the birthplace of modern football, *** history landmark meeting held here. In 1903, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and other countries negotiate the establishment of an international *** organizations, however, as Britain is the birthplace of football enthusia*** is not high. But football is beginning popularity in Europe and the Americas

*** (Football; ***): Traditional *** was 20 6-shaped and 12 5-a total of 32 skin-shaped composition. The playing field for a long 105 m, width 68 m

Football confrontational strong athletes in the game allowed by the rules used in the various actions, including running, exigency stop, turned around and fell on the ground, jump, crash, and so on, with the fierce rivals for. Competition long time, the audience, competition sites, any other sport is beyond.

This sport is dominated ball feet mainly at the same venue two teams within the sport offensive items. Football is the world's most loved people, carry out the most extensive and most influential sports projects, known as "the world's number one sport." Some countries will be football as a "country ball." An exciting *** match, attracting tens of thousands of spectators and hundreds of millions of television viewers as the important contents of the news reports relating to football, which hold the world's press coverage, today's football Movement has become people's lives is an integral part. According to incomplete statistics, the world now regularly participate in the competition's team of about 800,000, registered athletes about 40 million people, including professional athletes about 10 million people.

2. The characteristics of sport

First, overall. *** matches each team from 11 game entries. Field of 11 people unity of thinking and action in line to attack the whole dynamic, the whole defense Code, the overall awareness of the war stronger. Only formation of the overall offense and defense, the game can be achieved good initiative and the results of the competition.

Second, confrontational. Football is a competitive confrontational projects, competitions, the two sides in contention for the control of the ball scored the other goal to achieve, and not allow the ball into the goal, the purpose of this, the struggle between the start forefront of the fight, especially in the two free throws near time, the space is unusual for more fierce, compelling. A high level of competition, and the two sides for the crash fell on the ground because of the number of up to 200 times above, we can see that the fierce confrontation.

Third, changeability. Football is a technical suits and tactical unpredictable, and the outcome difficult to predict the outcome of non-cyclical sport, the game using technological and tactical should be direct interference by the other side, the limitation and resistance. Technical and Tactical spot is in accordance with the specific circumstances of the ***lication and agility to play.

Fourth, easy nature. Football Competition Rules comparison concise and equipment requirements is not high. General *** tournament time, the number of entries, venues and equipment not be strictly limited, so it is a national fitness in a very easy-to the mass of sports projects.

3. The role of sport

One is conducive to good mental ideological and moral quality and the formation of

Second, it helps to strengthen physical fitness, health promotion

Third, to the building of spiritual civilization.

Fourth, to inspire the national spirit

Now the most famous *** league is the five major European league (Serie. Premiership, Spanish, German, French)












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Entrevistando a Fernando Gago / ESPN Estudio Entrevistando一费尔南多加戈/ ESPN的Estudio





Carl***ergmarcks Carl***ergmarcks

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cRica9019 (1 day ago) Show Hide cRica9019 ( 1天以前) 显示 隐藏 0 0 Marked as spam 标记为垃圾邮件 Reply 回复 que extremadamente ***y puede ser gagito!!你extremadamente***了解其gagito ! es pero re-precioso!..el mas guapo de la selección argentina actual.!!方块佩罗重新precioso ! ..埃尔瓜波马斯德拉鲁***馆阿根廷实际。 ! simplemente un jugador de primera! simplemente取消jugador的西甲!

bems317 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide bems317 ( 2周以前) 显示 隐藏 0 0 Marked as spam 标记为垃圾邮件 Reply 回复 viva boca y hala madrid gago es el mejor!!!体内博卡y哈拉马德里加戈方块埃尔更好!

Arepa21 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide Arepa21 ( 3周以前) 显示 隐藏 0 0 Marked as spam 标记为垃圾邮件 Reply 回复 es un gran futbolista y ojala siga cosechando exitos que lo q le queda es un grande camino y seguro llegara a hacer grandes cosas!!!方块取消大futbolista y奥亚拉球蛋白A cosechando exitos你罗乐q方块取消宵禁大德尔卡米诺y保险llegara 1 hacer大cosas !

vanegago (1 month ago) Show Hide vanegago ( 1个月以前) 显示 隐藏 0 0 Marked as spam 标记为垃圾邮件 Reply 回复 aiss que uapo que sale fer y ramos no se iria a boca xk stando en el mejor ekipo no ace falta que se vaya a boca aiss你uapo你出售铁路y拉莫斯没有本身米莎草一博卡xk stando税金更好ekipo没有王牌法尔塔它本身vaya 1博卡

y viva el independiente&raul el mejorrr y体内独立报&劳尔报mejorrr


eLegantLywasTed7 (1 month ago) Show Hide eLegantLywasTed7 ( 1个月以前) 显示 隐藏 0 0 Marked as spam 标记为垃圾邮件 Reply 回复 jajaja tiene razon Gago... jajaja tiene理性加戈... Sergio Ramos no agauntaria en Boca...塞尔吉奥拉莫斯没有agauntaria恩博卡... menudo pakete Ramos... menudo pakete拉莫斯... ojala y se recupere pronto xD奥亚拉y本身recupere弹指一挥间XD卡

azul7 (1 month ago) Show Hide azul7 ( 1个月以前) 显示 隐藏 +1 1 Marked as spam 标记为垃圾邮件 Reply 回复 me flecho我flecho

luca***za08 (1 month ago) Show Hide luca***za08 ( 1个月以前) 显示 隐藏 0 0 Marked as spam 标记为垃圾邮件 Reply 回复 hay como lo amooooooooooo!!干草科莫罗amooooooooooo !

es lo mas!胚胎干罗马斯!

ciabustereo (3 months ago) Show Hide ciabustereo ( 3个月以前) 显示 隐藏 +1 1 Marked as spam 标记为垃圾邮件 Reply 回复 GRANDE FERNANDO高等费尔南多

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Added: September 03, 2008说: 08年9月3号 Views: 2,801浏览: 2801 Ratings: 8评级: 8

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Real Madrid football club (Real Madrid Club de Fútbol, the Chinese referred to as Real Madrid, formerly known as the Madrid Football Club, Madrid Club de Fútbol), is a football team in the Spanish capital Madrid, was established in March 6, 1902, is now the European and the world's most successful football club. December 11, 2000, Real Madrid by the International Football Federation (FIFA) as the 20th century's greatest team. September 10, 2009, Real Madrid by the International Federation of Football History and Statistics (IFFHS) as the best club in 20th century Europe.

According to the fine tradition of this club will be recruiting a new head *** of a new season, now announced the recruitment conditions are as follows:

One should h***e at least led his unit into the Champions League final, and won the top European league title, in addition, the club will not be considered.

Second, there is a strong technical and tactical capabilities and kneading the team's ability to be in a very short time (a maximum of one season) team in the whole kneading molding, special emphasis is not welcome in this club in particular, defensive back-type tactics.

Third, there must be calm, pressurizing and psychological quality, Chuluanbujing, superior compression capability, particularly in under the weight of non-nonsense, long the morale of others, self-defeating.

Fourth, the game's tactical adjustments must h***e an immediate effect, regardless of any situation the game, not to panic, should be able to immediately think of the tactical response and to make reasonable adjustments to the mechanical alignment is not there and so substitutions.

Fifth, the *** should position himself in the club h***e a clear understanding of transfer issues chosen by the senior club to decide, the only *** the right to use, simply say to you what to buy the club, you will use any person, club which decided to sell, you h***e him out of the lineup right away, the particular designated individual club members, they do not h***e to be injured starter.

There shall be sufficient authority wrist, men's players to put the situation can not allow any discord locker room came the sound, especially not with the club's big-name high-level players in person to introduce any conflict.

VII, and the club management and media processing upper harmony, should be supported at any time, praised the wise leadership of the club level, can not comment on any media critici*** of the club, especially senior leadership of the transfer results, not by the mouth of the media ***lied to the club level pressure.

Eight, it is a strong mental capacity, for a season or even less than a season to class fully prepared.

Minimum stay conditions:

Minimum stay conditions:

First, the first season of the league office must win the Champions League quarter-finals to be, and strictly comply with the requirements of 2-7 points, automatically receive the second year of ***ing qualifications.

Second, given N consecutive years, the club that no one eligible for a second year ***ing, so the minimum retention standards for the second year will rise by the club after consultation with the *** re-established.

Interested parties please contact immediately with the club, contact: Valdano

Good birds greener pastures, I believe that Real Madrid will be your ability to play the best place! We look forward to joining you!

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