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Within Temptation - Overcome

Where are the heroes

In my time of need

Is my cry not loud enough

Or h***e they gone all numb

They just stand and stare

Out of the rain

Thinking but not acting

That they're not to blame

Falling and crawling

A fight to stand up

Memory still haunts me

In the dead of night

Over and over

I felt so ***all

But one day I'll be stronger

And you better watch out

I will overcome

Your violence their silence


It can't be undone

I will overcome

Knowing that I'm not the only one

I will overcome

It's the only way to carry on

Where are the s***iours

Afraid of the toll

Sorry do my nine inch nails

Slash your soul

Such heroes

Throwing stones

Straight at the one

Who is standing alone

Twisting and turning

It's always the same

Truth is never honest

When you're to blame

Pushing and pulling

Never give in

One day I wish

You'll see you're not so beautiful within

I will overcome

Your violence your silence


It can't be undone

I will overcome

Knowing that I'm not the only one

I will overcome

It's the only way to carry on

Run and run

Run and run

I will overcome

Their violence your silence


It can't be undone

I will overcome

Knowing that I'm not the only one

I will overcome

It's the only way to carry on

I will overcome








Italy Is World Champion

Twenty-four years after the last title won in Spain in 1982, Italy is once again World Champion in a difficult period for Italian football and for the Federation that, after the resignation of President Carraro, is led by the extraordinary commissioner Prof. Guido Rossi.

After a fantastic start in the World Cup, with five wins and only one tie against the USA, in Berlin the Azzurri play the final and beat France 6-4 after the series of penalty, since the regular time had ended 1-1, with a goal by Zidane on 7' and a header by Materazzi on 18'.

The team ***ed by Lippi deserved the title after winning with heart and determination and responding to the initiatives of the French that played in ten after Zidane was red-carded after striking Materazzi with his head. All five Azzurri scored on the penalty kicks (Pirlo, Materazzi, De Rossi, Del Piero and Grosso), while Trezeguet missed the shot for the French.


Coverciano - History

This Centre is the headquarters of the Technical Sector, part of the F.I.G.C., that carries out teaching, training, qualification, organization and refresher courses for technical staff authorized to work in the field of the federation organization.

It also organizes courses of a educational nature for young footballers, it carries out studies and research in a special structure and it co-ordinates medical activities within the F.I.G.C. as well as being the habitual retreat for the national teams and the various representatives.

The concept that inspired the construction of the Technical Centre was that of building an facility that would meet national football's multiple technical and sporting needs.

It should be pointed out, however, that after an initial period in which many sports used the centre for training, the Coverciano Centre's attention gradually turned to mainly concentrate on football. All the national representatives h***e always found space for their gatherings, for selections and for training in Coverciano.

The National A team, the Under 21 team, the Under 15,16,17 and 18 teams, both from the Professionals League and the C League, the National Military team, the National Five-a-side Football team, and the National Women's team h***e stayed at Coverciano many times. It was for this reason that it was rebaptized as "Casa Italia".

Since its inauguration day, Coverciano has been the headquarters for the F.I.G.C. Technical Sector: the 35,000 Italian technical staff of all kinds and levels whose training and professional up-dating is taken care of by the Sector, are organized within this Centre.

First, second and third category courses are organized and, also, courses for fitness trainers, sports managers, and specialized youth work technicians, in collaboration with the F.I.G.C. Youth Sector.

Coverciano also acts as a reference point for all peripheral teaching activities organized with the collaboration of the L.N.D. and S.G.S.'s various Regional Committees.




—区域盯人和定点防守有着显著改进,迫使玩家更加努力创造进球的机会。游戏 的后卫保持更加牢固的防线,球员的体形特征得到扩展,球员间的碰撞更加精确。



《PES》主要负责人Shingo “Seabass” Takatsuka表示“对我来说,制作该系列的终极目标就是让玩家在电视上观看现实比赛时,会不自觉地联想到《PES 2012》。”

《PES 2012》将会再一次获得欧洲冠军联赛和欧足联欧洲联赛的独家授权。***联赛和欧洲联赛将再一次出现在游戏中。
















11.乙级联赛(全部属虚构):Wondengine Town、C.S. Squanoer、Ganzoraccio、FSV Sarmtonburg、Johachnaard V.V.、S.D. Quaztolla、C.D. Raltonvegua、FC Nortovka、Cantlesir Spor、K.S. Szelawce、Jorudberg FF、Hjorwesland BK、FK Odersteich、KVC Meirkugaurt、CS Iolceanicu、A.C. Nitsaloskis、PES联队、WE联队。




