taking足球,足球all attack

tamoadmin 体育头条 2024-06-14 0
  1. 求对意大利足球的英文简介
  2. 写一篇Doing sports的英语作文
  3. 一篇写李华想进足球俱乐部的英语作文
  4. 哪有一篇介绍足球的文章 涉及到它的历史 规则等各个方面
  5. 用英语翻译
  6. 我期望着带你们去我们学校的足球场(英语翻译)
  7. Taking on ……, made up of former football ingrates from across Europe.什么意思?
  8. 八年级上册英语作文关于运动的

是dragged stepover,以下是一些说法,希望对你有帮助

50.猫步颠 backbreaker

49.克鲁伊夫突破 Cruyff-burst

taking足球,足球all attack

48.反传球 no-look pass

47.对峙 Diablo

46.踢弹簧 hopscptch

45.马赛回旋 roulette

44.驴回头 backheel

43.碰碰车 under-the-bridge

42.穿针引线 backword spanner

41.平角旋转 180°turn

40.小钟摆 dragged stepover

39.大问号 roundabout

38.吊高球 lob

37.瘸腿青蛙 canival

36.遁地鞭 whiplash

35.通坑渠 panna

34.独角晃 sole roll


32.滑翔蹲 gr***esinha

31.踩单车 stepovers

30.佯传 feint pass

29.里外翻 inside out

28.驴踢 heel frick


26.轻挑过人 chip

25.十字弓 Rabona

24.十字弓弦 fake Rabona

23.牛尾巴 Elastico

22.袋鼠跳 Cuaughtemina

21.影子过人 dummy

20.皮鲁埃特旋转 Piourette

19.双脚连触转身 spin move

18.母牛尾巴 Cola de Vaca

17.射空气 fake shot

16.交叉脚前推 hocus pocus

15.大象转圈 Tsamaya

14.圆规脚 Cuppino

13.随地撒尿 taking-the-piss


12.颠球 juggling

11.驴转身 subway

10.猪油脚 mis-kick trick

9.猴子把戏 the Salute

8.海底捞月 Sombrero

7.海豹把戏 seal dribbling

6.踢毽子 air control

5.齿轮脱轨 rainbow

4.空中架梯 chest and shoulder roll

3.博格坎普转身 highway

2.空中牛尾巴 knee Akka

1.伊基塔蝎尾鞭 scorpion


2018世界杯比利时vs日本,比利时绝杀进球后的BGM是《Seven Nation Army》。

《Seven Nation Army》是白色条纹乐队最著名的摇滚单曲,于2003.03.12 发行


I'm gonna fight 'em off(我将要击退他们)

A seven nation army couldn't hold me back(就算是一支七国联军也无法阻挡我)

They gonna rip it off(他们要去欺骗了)

Taking their time right behind my back(一直跟在我身后把他们的时间都花在追赶我)

make the sweat drip out of every pore(让每一个毛孔都冒着汗珠)

And I'm bleeding and I'm bleeding(我正流着血我正流着血)

and I'm bleeding right before my lord(我正站在我的主人面前流着血)

Oh, the words are going to bleed from me(哦,我所说的话也会是字字血泪)




这首歌的演唱者是著名的摇滚乐队The White Stripes(白色条纹)。

The White Stripes(白色条纹)乐队于19***年成立于美国底特律,音乐风格主要是Grunge和Indie Rock,主唱/吉他/钢琴是Jack White,鼓手是Meg White。



2011年2月2日,The White Stripes宣布解散,结束了14年的辉煌征程。

写一篇Doing sports的英语作文

Italy Is World Champion

Twenty-four years after the last title won in Spain in 1982, Italy is once again World Champion in a difficult period for Italian football and for the Federation that, after the resignation of President Carraro, is led by the extraordinary commissioner Prof. Guido Rossi.

After a fantastic start in the World Cup, with five wins and only one tie against the USA, in Berlin the Azzurri play the final and beat France 6-4 after the series of penalty, since the regular time had ended 1-1, with a goal by Zidane on 7' and a header by Materazzi on 18'.

The team ***ed by Lippi deserved the title after winning with heart and determination and responding to the initiatives of the French that played in ten after Zidane was red-carded after striking Materazzi with his head. All five Azzurri scored on the penalty kicks (Pirlo, Materazzi, De Rossi, Del Piero and Grosso), while Trezeguet missed the shot for the French.


Coverciano - History

This Centre is the headquarters of the Technical Sector, part of the F.I.G.C., that carries out teaching, training, qualification, organization and refresher courses for technical staff authorized to work in the field of the federation organization.

It also organizes courses of a educational nature for young footballers, it carries out studies and research in a special structure and it co-ordinates medical activities within the F.I.G.C. as well as being the habitual retreat for the national teams and the various representatives.

The concept that inspired the construction of the Technical Centre was that of building an facility that would meet national football's multiple technical and sporting needs.

It should be pointed out, however, that after an initial period in which many sports used the centre for training, the Coverciano Centre's attention gradually turned to mainly concentrate on football. All the national representatives h***e always found space for their gatherings, for selections and for training in Coverciano.

The National A team, the Under 21 team, the Under 15,16,17 and 18 teams, both from the Professionals League and the C League, the National Military team, the National Five-a-side Football team, and the National Women's team h***e stayed at Coverciano many times. It was for this reason that it was rebaptized as "Casa Italia".

Since its inauguration day, Coverciano has been the headquarters for the F.I.G.C. Technical Sector: the 35,000 Italian technical staff of all kinds and levels whose training and professional up-dating is taken care of by the Sector, are organized within this Centre.

First, second and third category courses are organized and, also, courses for fitness trainers, sports managers, and specialized youth work technicians, in collaboration with the F.I.G.C. Youth Sector.

Coverciano also acts as a reference point for all peripheral teaching activities organized with the collaboration of the L.N.D. and S.G.S.'s various Regional Committees.


以下是三篇以《Doing sports》为题的英语作文,供大家参考。?





Doing sports

Sports play an important role in our lives. Regular exercise can help us stay healthy and fit, both physically and mentally. It is a great way to relieve stress and improve our mood.

There are many types of sports we can do, such as running, swimming, cycling, and yoga. No matter what kind of sport you choose, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workout.

In addition to improving our physical health, sports can also help us develop important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and perseverance. By participating in team sports, we can learn how to work together towards a common goal and support each other through challenges.

Overall, doing sports is a great way to stay healthy and h***y. So why not try incorporating some form of exercise into your daily routine? Whether it's a morning jog or an evening yoga session, find a sport that works for you and stick with it!


regular (adj.) - h***ening or doing something often


intensity (n.) - the degree to which something is felt or experienced


perseverance (n.) - the ability to continue trying to do something even when it is difficult












Title: Doing Sports

Sports bring us many benefits. Firstly, doing sports can keep us healthy. Regular exercise can help us maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Secondly, sports can improve our mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. Thirdly, sports provide opportunities for social interaction. Joining a sports team or club can help us make new friends and build relationships.

There are many different ways to do sports. Some popular options include running, swimming, basketball, and yoga. No matter what type of sport you choose, it's important to find something that you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle.


Chronic(形容词)- 持续很长时间或经常再次发生的

Endorphins(名词)- 锻炼期间身体产生的化学物质,可以帮助减轻疼痛并增加愉悦感。









Title: Doing Sports

Sports are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise can not only improve physical health but also enhance mental well-being. Engaging in sports activities such as running, swimming, cycling, or playing team sports like basketball and can help maintain a healthy weight, strengthen muscles, and improve cardiovascular health.

Moreover, doing sports can also h***e positive effects on mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which can reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood, and improve sleep quality. It can also increase self-confidence and self-esteem, and provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

In conclusion, incorporating regular exercise into our daily lives is crucial for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Whether it's through individual or team sports, finding an activity that we enjoy and can stick to can h***e long-lasting benefits for our overall health and well-being.


Essential (adj.): absolutely necessary or extremely important. (必要的,重要的)

Cardiovascular (adj.): relating to the heart and blood vessels. (心血管的)

Endorphins (n.): chemicals produced by the brain that can reduce pain and stress and create feelings of pleasure. (内啡肽)






哪有一篇介绍足球的文章 涉及到它的历史 规则等各个方面

I’m Li Hua, a Chinese student taking the English courses at our school. I’m interested in Music Club at Weekend and I’d like to join it if possible. I’m good at playing the piano. I h***e been playing the piano for more than 10 years and I once won the third place in a nation-wide piano playing competition. Also I can sing Chinese folk songs very well. As for my personalities, I think I’m open-minded, friendly and easygoing, and above all, I really enjoy making friends with people from all around the world. I would be very h***y if I could be admitted into the club! Looking forward to your reply!

Best wishes!


这里说的足球应该是英式足球的意思 football吧


Football (also known as association football or ) is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players each. It is the most popular code of football and is widely considered to be the most popular sport in the world. A ball game, it is played on a rectangular grass field, or occasionally an artificial turf, with a goal at each end of the field. The object of the game is to score by maneuvering the ball into the opposing goal; only the goalkeepers may use their hands or arms to propel the ball in general play. The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is tied at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extended time, depending on the format of the competition.

The modern game was codified in England following the formation of the Football Association, whose 1863 Laws of the Game created the foundations for the way the sport is played today. Football is governed internationally by Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). The most prestigious international football competition is the World Cup, held every four years. This event, the most widely viewed and famous in the world, boasts twice the audience of the Summer Olympics



Games revolving around the kicking of a ball h***e been played in many countries throughout history. According to FIFA, the "very earliest form of the game for which there is scientific evidence was an exercise of precisely this skilful technique dating back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries B.C. in China."[3] In addition, the Roman games Harpastum may be a distant ancestor of football. Various forms of football were played in medieval Europe, though rules varied greatly by both period and location.

Whilst football has continued to be played in various forms throughout Britain, the English public schools (fee-paying schools) are widely credited with certain key achievements in the creation of modern football (association football and the rugby football games - rugby league and rugby union football). The evidence suggests that during the six***th century English public schools generally, and headmaster Richard Mulcaster in particular, were instrumental in taking football away from its violent "mob" form and turning it into an organised team sport that was beneficial to schoolboys. Therefore, the game became institutionalised, regulated, and part of a larger, more central tradition. Many early descriptions of football and references to it (e.g. poetry) were recorded by people who had studied at these schools, showing they were familiar with the game. Finally, in the 19th century, teachers and former students were the first to write down formal rules of early modern football to enable matches to be played between schools.

The rules of football as they are codified today are effectively based on the mid-19th-century efforts to standardise the widely varying forms of football played at the public schools of England. The first ever set of football rules were written at Eton College in 1815. The Cambridge Rules were a code of football rules, first drawn up at Cambridge University in 1848, which h***e influenced the development of Association football (also known simply as "football", or ) and subsequent codes.

The Cambridge Rules were written at Trinity College, Cambridge in 1848, at a meeting attended by representatives from Eton, Harrow, Rugby, Winchester and Shrew***ury schools, but they were not universally adopted. During the 1850s, many clubs unconnected to schools or universities were formed throughout the English-speaking world to play various forms of football. Some came up with their own distinct codes of rules, most notably the Sheffield Football Club (formed by former pupils from Harrow) in 1857, which led to formation of a Sheffield FA in 1867. In 1862, John Charles Thring of Uppingham School also devised an influential set of rules.[4]

These ongoing efforts contributed to the formation of The Football Association (The FA) in 1863 which first met on the morning of 26 October 1863 at the Freemason's T***ern in Great Queen Street, London.[5] The only school to be represented on this occasion was Charterhouse. The Freemason's T***ern was the setting for five more meetings between October and December, which eventually produced the first comprehensive set of rules. At the final meeting, the first FA treasurer, the representative from Blackheath, withdrew his club from the FA over the removal of two draft rules at the previous meeting, the first which allowed for the running with the ball in hand and the second, obstructing such a run by hacking (kicking an opponent in the shins), tripping and holding. Other English rugby clubs followed this lead and did not join the FA but instead in 1871 formed the Rugby Football Union. The eleven remaining clubs, under the charge of Ebenezer Cobb Morley, went on to ratify the original thir*** laws of the game. The Sheffield FA played by its own rules until the 1870s.

The laws of the game are currently determined by the International Football Association Board (IFAB). The Board was formed in 1886[6] after a meeting in Manchester of The Football Association, the Scottish Football Association, the Football Association of Wales, and the Irish Football Association. The world's oldest football competition is the FA Cup, which was founded by C. W. Alcock and has been contested by English teams since 1872. The first official international football match took place in 1872 between Scotland and England in Glasgow, again at the instigation of C. W. Alcock. England is home to the world's first football league, which was founded in 1888 by Aston Villa director William McGregor.[7] The original format contained 12 clubs from the Midlands and the North of England. The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the international football body, was formed in Paris in 1904 and declared that they would adhere to Laws of the Game of the Football Association.[8] The growing popularity of the international game led to the admittance of FIFA representatives to the International Football Association Board in 1913. The board currently consists of four representatives from FIFA and one representative from each of the four British associations.

Map showing the popularity of football around the world. Countries where football is the most popular sport are coloured green, while countries where it is not are coloured red. The various shades of green and red indicate the number of players per 1,000 inhabitants.Today, football is played at a professional level all over the world, and millions of people regularly go to football stadia to follow their f***ourite team,[9] whilst billions more watch the game on television.[10] A very large number of people also play football at an *** level. According to a survey conducted by FIFA and published in the spring of 2001, over 240 million people regularly play football in more than 200 countries in every part of the world.[11] Its simple rules and minimal equipment requirements h***e no dou*** aided its spread and growth in popularity.

In many parts of the world football evokes great passions and plays an important role in the life of individual fans, local communities, and even nations; it is therefore often claimed to be the most popular sport in the world. ESPN has spread the claim that the C?te d'Ivoire national football team helped secure a truce to the nation's civil war in 2005. By contrast, however, football is widely considered to be the final proximate cause in the Football War in June 1969 between El Salvador and Honduras. The sport also exacerbated tensions at the beginning of the Yugosl*** wars of the 1990s, when a Red Star Belgrade-at-Dinamo Zagreb match devolved into rioting in March 1990



Laws of the Game

Football is popular among children as well as ***s.

[edit] Overview of the laws

Main article: Laws of the Game

There are seven*** laws in the official Laws of the Game. The same Laws are designed to ***ly to all levels of football, although certain modifications for groups such as juniors, seniors or women are permitted. The laws are often framed in broad terms, which allow flexibility in their ***lication depending on the nature of the game. In addition to the seven*** laws, numerous IFAB decisions and other directives contribute to the regulation of football. The laws can be found on the official FIFA website.[13]

[edit] Players, equipment and officials

See also: Goalkeeper (football), Substitute (football), and Kit (association football)

Each team consists of a maximum of eleven players (excluding substitutes), one of whom must be the goalkeeper. Competition rules may state a minimum number of players required to constitute a team; this is usually seven. Goalkeepers are the only players allowed to play the ball with their hands or arms, but they are only allowed to do so within the penalty area in front of their own goal. Though there are a variety of positions in which the outfield (non-goalkeeper) players are strategically placed by a ***, these positions are not defined or required by the Laws.

The basic equipment players are required to wear includes a shirt, shorts, socks, footwear and adequate shin guards. Players are forbidden to wear or use anything that is dangerous to themselves or another player (including jewellery or watches). The goalkeeper must wear clothing that is easily distinguishable from that worn by the other players and the match officials.

A number of players may be replaced by substitutes during the course of the game. The maximum number of substitutions permitted in most competitive international and domestic league games is three, though the number permitted may be varied in other leagues or in friendly matches. Common reasons for a substitution include injury, tiredness, ineffectiveness, a tactical switch, or as a defensive ploy to use up a little time at the end of a finely poised game. In standard *** matches, a player who has been substituted may not take further part in the match.

A game is officiated by a referee, who has "full authority to enforce the Laws of the Game in connection with the match to which he has been ***ointed" (Law 5), and whose decisions are final. The referee is assisted by two assistant referees. In many high-level games there is also a fourth official (and in the world cup a fifth official), who assist(s) the referee and may replace another official should the need arise.

Playing field 球场的和注释见







在英语中,随着地域不同,“football”一词有不同意涵。在英国, “football”指的是国际足联认可之“足球”;而美式英语中所称的“football”则是指“美式足球”(American football),亦称“美式橄榄球”;在澳大利亚, "football" 则指澳式足球(Australian Rules Football)。


A group of students are playing snow.

Look,they are taking photos in the garden.

Shanghai is hot and moist today.

It is 4:00 in the morning,and the students are playing football.

People felt surprised at the news.

My young sister looks cool in the new dress.

Taking on ……, made up of former football ingrates from across Europe.什么意思?



I'm looking forward to taking you to the football field in our school.


take on 在这里是“挑战”或“接受挑战”的意思,可译为“在...与海地队对阵的是...”。ingrate 本意是“忘恩负义者”,我估计这里有调侃的意思,有点过气球星的意思,其实倒也不一定是球星,可能是指曾在欧洲各队效力过的球员。

Taking exercise is good for our health. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. By taking exercise, we can relax our body and mind. At the same time, we can harden our muscle and h***e a good figure. If we don't take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall sick.

I enjoy several outdoor sports. Swimming in the sea is my f***orite. Because there are too many people in a swimming pool and the water is always dirty, I prefer to swim in the sea.

Playing badminton is also fun. I can always find a place in the park for playing badminton. Besides, I enjoy jogging in the morning. Sometimes, I jog with my parents in the park.
