*** 菲戈,***绝对巨星菲戈

tamoadmin 球队专区 2024-05-22 0

    英国重金属乐队-Def.Leppard(西城家族)的 long long way to go

    You held my hand and then you slipped away

    And I may never see your face again

    天下足球 菲戈,天下足球绝对巨星菲戈

    So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside

    Without love, what is life?

    And anyone who knew us both can see

    We always were the better part of me

    I never wanted to be this free

    All this pain, does it go away?

    Then every time I turn around

    And you’re nowhere to be found

    I know I got a long, long way to go

    Before I can say goodbye to you

    Oh, I got a long, long way to go

    Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew

    To you, to you

    From memory, there is no hiding place

    Turn on the TV and I see you there

    In every crowd there’s always someone with your face

    Everywhere, trying not to care

    Then every time I turn around

    And you’re nowhere to be found

    I know I got a long, long way to go

    Before I can say goodbye to you

    Oh, I got a long, long way to go

    Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew

    To you, I wish you everythin’

    And all the best that life can bring

    I only hope you think of me sometimes, oh

    And even though I feel the pain

    I know that I will love again

    The time will come, oh, and I’ll move on

    I got a long, long way to go

    Before I can say goodbye to you

    Oh, I got a long, long way to go, got a long way to go

    Before I can say goodbye, before I say goodbye

    To all I ever knew, to all I ever knew

    I got a long, I got a long, long way to go, long way to go

    Before I can say, before I say, goodbye to you

    Say goodbye, say goodbye

    Oh, I got a long, long way to go

    Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew


    108金毛犬-段景住 (普约尔)

    107鼓上蚤-时 迁 (克劳迪奥·洛佩斯)

    106白日鼠-白 胜 (萨维奥拉)

    105险道神-郁保四 (科勒)

    104活闪婆-王定六 (小曼奇尼)

    103母夜叉-孙二娘 (玛塔)

    102菜园子-张 青 (德科)

    101母大虫-顾大嫂 (普林茨)

    100小尉迟-孙 新 (西蒙尼·因扎吉)

    99石将军-石 勇 (萨穆埃尔)

    98没面目-焦 挺 (阿方索·阿尔维斯)

    ***青眼虎-李 云 (科库)

    96催命判官-李立 (马凯)

    95一枝花-蔡 庆 (菲奥雷)

    94铁臂膊-蔡 福 (莱曼)

    93旱地忽律-朱贵 (马克莱莱)

    92笑面虎-朱 富 (卡福)

    91出林龙-邹 渊 (斯坦科维奇)

    90独角龙-邹 润 (特雷泽盖)

    89金钱豹子-汤隆 (托雷斯)

    88鬼脸儿-杜 兴 (里贝里)

    87打虎将-李 忠 (塔穆多)

    86小霸王-周 通 (鲁尼)

    85金眼彪-施 恩 (斯科尔斯)

    84病大虫-薛 永 (雷科巴)

    83摸着天-杜 迁 (日基奇)

    82云里金刚-宋 万 (克劳奇)

    81操刀鬼-曹 正 (中村俊辅)

    80小遮拦-穆 春 (卡萨诺)

    79中箭虎-丁得孙 (欧文)

    78花项虎-龚 旺 (特维斯)

    77铁叫子-乐 和 (特里)

    76铁扇子-宋 清 (坎比亚索)

    75九尾龟-陶宗旺 (迪达)

    74白面郎君-郑天寿 (伊涅斯塔)

    73白花蛇-杨 春 (罗本)


    72跳涧虎-陈 达 (布兰科)

    71通臂猿-侯 健 (范德萨)

    70玉幡杆-孟 康 (莫伦特斯)

    69翻江蜃-童 猛 (德罗西)

    68出洞蛟-童 威 (佩罗塔)

    67铁笛仙-马 麟 (皮耶罗)

    66玉臂匠-金大坚 (布冯)

    65飞天大圣-李 衮 (卢西奥)

    64八臂哪吒-项 充 (切尼)

    63独火星-孔 亮 (加比·米利托)

    62毛头星-孔 明 (迭戈·米利托)

    61混世魔王-樊 瑞 (阿内尔卡)

    60丧门神-鲍 旭 (泰比)

    59一丈青-扈三娘 (韩端)

    58矮脚虎-王 英 (久利)

    57紫髯伯-皇甫端 (西塞)

    56神医-安道全 (克鲁斯)

    55塞仁贵-郭 盛 (罗比尼奥)

    54小温侯-吕 方 (梅西

    53神算子-蒋 敬 (哈维)

    52轰天雷-凌 振 (杰拉德)

    51锦豹子-杨 林 (祖马)

    50锦毛虎-燕 顺 (马赛里尼奥)

    49火眼狻猊-邓 飞 (戴维斯)

    48摩云金翅-欧 鹏 (卡洛斯

    47铁面孔目-裴 宣 (卡恩)

    46圣手书生-萧 让 (卡西利亚斯)

    45神火将-鲍定国 (内德维德)

    44圣水将-单廷圭 (内斯塔)

    43天目将-彭 屺 (托尼)

    42百胜将-韩 滔 (西多夫)

    41井木犴-郝思文 (埃辛)

    40丑郡马-宣 赞 (萨尔加多)

    39病尉迟-孙 立 (菲利普·因扎吉)

    38镇三山-黄 信 (菲戈