tamoadmin 赛事报道 2024-08-15 0
  1. 英语作文 你如何看待著名篮球运动员?列一份关于作为一名著名篮球运动员的好
  2. 用英语介绍篮球运动!急!
  3. 磕头求:关于米兰的经典文章
  4. 关于NBA的翻译,翻译的好有更多分哦!
  5. 有关亚运会英语作文
  6. 写你最喜欢的篮球运动员的英语作文

1896, tHe first U.S. basketball organizations, "the National Basketball League (NBL)" set up, but then basketball rules is not perfect, the organization is not perfect, a team in the regular season can be on behalf of several team, after several Last season, the organization has existed in name only.

April 6, 1946, from Boston Garden boss Walter Abu Lang, initiating the formation of an "American Basketball Association (English as BAA)", first proposed the Brown later became the cornerstone of modern professional basketball two of the high salaries and contract system , High-paying system is that professional basketball must he a solid financial support, so that competition remained at a high level, to attract viewers, seek survival. The contract system is that a player can only be with a club contract and the establishment of the system's reserves to prevent players at the left by the sudden loss.

1949, in Brown's efforts, the two major U.S. basketball organizations BAA and the NBL merged into the "National Basketball Association (NBA)". Brown later became the famous founder of the Boston Celtics. NBA set up with 17 teams, divided into three division competition, from NBL's Minneapolis Lakers to rely on the United States stands 2.09 meters with the help of the first center Qiaozhimaiken first season was the NBA championship.


Starting from the 1954-55 season, NBA by natural selection only the Eastern Conference and Western Conference division two. The Eastern Conference has the Atlantic, Central, Western Union and the Western Pacific area.

1952, NBA center in order to limit the first Mikan scoring, will be restricted width of the basket three seconds from six feet to 12 feet to expand. By the 1960s, as another super center Wilt Chamberlain's there, NBA width restricted area will extend to 16 feet. As the NBA's leading team in the lead often use delaying tactics so that competition can not attract viewers, starting from the 1954-1955 season, NBA system introduced 24 seconds, each team each offense shall not be more than 24 seconds.

13, the U.S. CBS with 27 million U.S. dollars to buy NBA games three years broadcasting rights, so that the first NBA games on television, but since then not a live broadcast of the conditions, so can only play the video.

1967, a new basketball organization ABA (American Basketball Association) was set up to Qiaozhimaiken the first Chairman. ABA adopted the red, white and blue colour basketball, and the exercise of third-pointer, dunk contest held each year. These measures in the NBA is not allowed. However, due to poor management, ABA in the 16 NBA annexation by the United States, Since then, NBA basketball industry formed the U.S. monopoly. 19 onwards, NBA 3-pointer started implementing the system. To oid the great disparity between the team's strength, NBA established the annual "NBA Rookie selection system", that university graduates by the level of players from the rankings, and then by the club on the final league position was followed by the selection, ranking On the latter before the election, each round the teams can only choose one, thus ensuring the strength of the weakest teams will be the highest level of the rookie, elected to the weak star in the new season will often completely. Caidaqicu team in order to oid monopoly by high-paid star players, NBA provides each team's payroll limit. If a lot of money to buy star, the inability to buy other good players. This system ensures that the best distribution of stars in various teams so that the strength of the team is very close. If it is said that "high salary" and "contract system" is the cornerstone of the two NBA, "rookie selection" and "salary limits" to ensure that the NBA is fierce and exciting competition, the unpredictability of the competition will be many U.S. fans Attracted to the basketball court.

NBA League has also imposed trade system, NBA players can not transfer the sale, only to replace people. From the start of the season to No. 16 Thursday night only 9:00, the team can be a free exchange of players. From then until the end of the regular season, the team all the "freeze." NBA move is Lianren Dai contract with the exchange.

Chuimie the first 58 birthday candles on the cake pieces in 2005 is the latest version of the NBA map. Charlotte has become the cream Puzhang also a cherry. 30, is not precipitated texture of the old ring, but the memory expansion of the new time and space, from 1946 to 2004, the bar code from the No.11 team to No.30, on an unprecedented scale of the NBA, Sanshierli.

[NBA rules:

The NBA is the National Basketball League team, which will inevitably develop the NBA rules and the International Amateur Basketball Federation FIBA rules enacted different. NBA rules contain not only the rules of FIBA various essential to the well-established rules, also has its own distinctive regional, business and to ensure and promote the performances characteristics. Here's the NBA rules is an important part of (FIBA rules with the focus on different parts), for readers reference.

(A) competition rules

1. Stadium specifications

NBA stadium size is 94 feet long (28.65 meters) wide to 50 feet (15.24 meters). The stadium measure from the inside along the line of, the width of two feet (5.08 cm). Rectangular stadium marked at both ends of the penalty area, 19 feet long (5.79 meters) wide 16 feet (4.88 meters). Stadium marked at both ends of line 3-pointer shooter, is zoned method is: the bottom line leads from the two parallel lines on the line, three feet from the edge (0.91 meters), and to Qiulan focal point for the center to 23 feet 9 Inches (7.24 meters) radius of the arc for the intersection. WNBA radius of the arc 19 feet 9 inches (6.02 meters). The circle is the radius of six feet (1.83 meters). In the circle radius of the circle is two feet (0.61 meters), a center line running through them. Another four lines perpendicular to the wide 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) of the mark, the bottom line from 28 feet (8.53 meters) at the extension to three feet (0.91 meters). (Neutral zone and location of a number of regional and short line mark slightly.)

2. Match Time

Every game two and a half hours when a total of four, each 12 minutes. Extra five minutes. In the first quarter and II, Section III and IV between the rest 130 seconds. Between the two half-time break 15 minutes. In the first game between four and any overtime and rest between the 100 seconds. In the first quarter, section II and III during the final 1 minute, shooting should stop after the success of game clock. In the fourth quarter and overtime during the final two minutes, shooting should stop after the success of game clock.

3. Team

Competition, each team composed of members from five, market players should not be less than five. If the invasion were the sixth team foul, but the team had qualified Tibuduiyuan, the team should stay in the field, and should register a foul and intrusive team fouls; also fined the team a technical foul . Later, all the intrusive fouls (including offensive fouls), should be dealt with accordingly. If only five eligible players, one of whom must lee the team members were injured or expulsion, he should be the final one for six fouls and intrusive been cancelled for the team competition to replace. Each time the need to replace injured or expulsion of members, should be dealt with accordingly reverse the order. The cancellation of a competition for players re-entering the game, should be fined a technical foul.

4. Game

The first quarter and overtime should be in the Tiaoqiu since the beginning. Section II and III competition should be the first quarter kick-off after the team lost the ball in the right line-throwing Jiewai Qiu began. Fourth quarter should be the first quarter kick-off after the ball was right in the team line-throwing Jiewai Qiu began.

5. Dead ball, live ball, the pressure on the ball

When the situation there following the ball when the ball into death: an ball; ball Qiulan or remain in the basket and rebounds in the cards between the end of a time; technical foul free throws; intrusive fouls (boxing foul, foul-赛); Several free throws in the first free throw; illegal market (the ball away three seconds, 10 seconds, 24 seconds, etc.); fighting foul; omission of Mingshao; shots or free throws after the success in the sector, members of possession before . Ball survived the ball following circumstances: in any Tiaoqiu, the referee drop; throwing Jie Waiqiu players can handle the ball; free throws players can handle the ball. The ball into the following cases vitality ball: the ball was a legitimate team Tiaoqiu Paizhuo; Jie Waiqiu throwing the ball to lee the team at hand; free throws the ball to lee the team at hand.

6. Replacement

Tibuduiyuan Rorteur on the record he should be replaced and the team's name and number, and exposure to record the stage of the replacement of the region. If we do not report to the recorder, a fine of 25 U.S. dollars. Records shall die the ball into the ball when Mingshao declared replacement (except after successful shots), Tibuduiyuan required by the referee wed to enter competitions. Replacement for the cancelled game players time to 30 seconds. During the first free throw after free throw, regardless of whether or not impunity, Tibuduiyuan allowed to enter the competition. Tibuduiyuan free throws should not replace staff members or Tiaoqiu, unless requested to replace injured players, then the punishment should be the other es (jump) side of the ball at the team selection Tibuduiyuan. Injured players can not play competition. Tibuduiyuan once a game must remain in the ground until the next dead ball only allowed to replace. Moral if they are not consistent with the conduct of members were injured, but not the implementation of free throws, his of the team may designate a qualified team to carry out free throws. Injured players can also play another game.

7. Suspended

(L) 20秒suspended each team every half when the right to request a suspension of 20 seconds. Per game (including overtime) may request a total of 20 seconds twice suspended. Members request and 20 seconds was suspended only when the ball into a dead ball or when to give the team control the ball. Members to call: "20 seconds suspended." In 20 seconds during the suspension, the team can only replace a member. If the request to suspend the team a replacement crew, the other team can also replace a member. If the half-time (including overtime) request to suspend the second and 20 seconds, should be allowed, but must register a conventional suspension. If 20 seconds at the end of competition can not be continued, should also suspend the registration of a routine.

(2) conventional suspension (100 seconds) each team the right to request the registration of seven minor conventional suspension. Limit each team in the fourth quarter of no more than four times suspended in the fourth quarter of the last two minutes of not more than three times suspended. In overtime, each team allowed three suspended. 100 second request to suspend members, only when the ball into a dead ball or when to give the team control the ball. Members to call: "Pause." Each must he a two game suspension. If each game remaining six minutes and 59 seconds without a team called the suspension, the record shall be the first dead ball in to take mandatory suspension, suspended registration in主队this name. In each match 2 minutes 59 seconds remaining when a team is not the second suspension, the record shall be the first dead ball in to take mandatory suspension, the suspension of registration in the previous section of the team did not register the name. Allow additional suspension, but fined a technical foul. Members can the game suspension, the request for 20 seconds or 100 seconds suspended.

8.24 seconds rules

When a team in the game when the ball was new or Zhiqiu into the sector in the court when the ball was touched when the legal team, 24 seconds timer will be activated. The right to he the ball in the team must be De Qiuhou the shooting within 24 seconds. Completed shooting the conditions are: (1) in 24 seconds before the end, the ball must lee the hands of members, (2) members of the left-hand post, the ball must contact the basket. If the ball within 24 seconds of contact basket, 24 seconds for the offence.

(B) offences and penalties

1.3 seconds rules

A team of the ball, team members can not stay in the penalty area more than three seconds. A former field teams control the ball, start to 3 seconds. Penalties: loss of the ball. The ball awarded to each other in the free throw line extension of lines thrown Jiewai Qiu.

2. The swinging elbow

Does not allow members of excessively strong or swinging elbow (non-contact). When a defensive player in the vicinity, and offensive players holding the ball, that is, for the offence. Penalties: loss of the ball. The ball awarded to each other unauthorized locations in and around the edge throwing Jiewai Qiu.

3. Scores of illegal assistance

Members shall not use the basket or rebounds to Diaoqi, support or enhance their own to contribute to scoring shots. Fellow team members not to assist in shooting at the height increase. Penalties: loss of the ball. The ball awarded to each other in the free throw line extension of lines thrown Jiewai Qiu.

4. Isolated

If the offensive team in Quanding, or at the side of the ball three or three more players, should be sentenced offenders. Penalties: loss of the ball. Quanding the ball awarded to each other in the extension of the boundary line throwing Jiewai Qiu.

5. Lay the cover of the offensive

Offensive players may not be established in order to cover and lee the market before the end of the surface area. Penalties: loss of the ball. The ball awarded to each other in the free throw line extension of lines thrown Jiewai Qiu.

6. Viscous substances

Members shall not use the sticky substance or any similar material. Penalties: the first offence and fined 25 U.S. dollars. The recurrence of illegal fines doubled.

(C) fouls and penalties

1. Technical foul

On the ground or team at the team members of the Moral not act or breach of the punishment, for a technical foul. Survived the ball before the ball, and the other members of the illegal contact occurred, is liable for technical fouls.

(1) Moral did not act on any of the players, es or trainers of the Moral not be fined a maximum of two technical fouls. Any violators as long as there was not Moral behior can be expelled; twice Moral of the act must not be expelled. Moral of no such as: speech and the referee no courtesy; physical contact with referees; publicly expressed dissatisfaction with the sentencing; Xiedu use of the language; without the referee allows es to enter venues; intentionally trying to elbow extension hands or feet but Does not contain a contact. There are also technical foul is not inconsistent with the Moral behior, such as: delay of game; team of regional seats offences; vitality of the ball when the ball into field team less than five or more; deliberately offensive players suspended Rebounds in the basket or on, and so on. The death occurred during the illegal contact with the ball, if in nature that were not in line with the Moral, is liable for a technical foul if the contact was unnecessary and excessive, is liable for malicious foul.

(2), fighting foul ball game or dead, the players, es or trainers fighting, to register technical foul, not to award a penalty to participate in the fighting should be immediately deported. According to another situation-fighting personnel not more than 20,000 U.S. dollars fine and suspension. NBA games, fined for foul is more severe. If players, es or trainers in the following cases can be expelled: contact shoulder level or below the elbow foul site; Moral of no technical foul; unnecessary or excessive contact with the malicious foul. Players, es or trainers in the following acts must be expelled: boxing foul; fighting foul contact above shoulder level parts of the elbow foul; punched even if no attempt to contact the continuation of action is not competition but deliberately into the stands . To punish and suppress the foul, NBA rules also cover the penalty provisions, such as: the referee crew that is deliberately hanging Qiulan, the contractor should be a technical foul and a fine of 100 dollars for the first time do not meet the Moral Technical foul penalty of a fine of 100 U.S. dollars, the second foul and fined 150 U.S. dollars, and so on.

2. Intrusive foul

Survival in the ball after ball, and the other members in illegal physical contact, is intrusive foul. Members not allowed to pull, push and hit the other team members; are not allowed to rely on extended arm, leg, knee or bending the body into an abnormal posture to impede the other members of the road. Violation of the regulations, will be sentenced to intrusive fouls and penalties related to treatment.

(1) The two sides both foul foul means two extraordinary team members about the same time in each other intrusive foul or technical foul situation. Penalties: No matter who is a transgression not foul or technical foul free throws awarded only to members of the registration rules, not to register the team fouls. If the sentence or two fouls, fighting foul ball when a team has the right, the ball should be retained in the right locations in and around the lines match interrupted throwing Jie Waiqiu to match. If the sentence or two fouls, both teams fighting foul ball did not he the right, or not successful shooting the ball in the air, by any two members of the extraordinary team in the competition circle Tiaoqiu continue. If successful shots, scoring effectively, the bottom line in the game to throw Jiewai Qiu. If both foul as the referee views different results, excluding scored by any team of two extraordinary players in the circle Tiaoqiu to competition.

(2) offensive fouls in the survival of the ball after ball, and the other offensive players in the illegal contact, offensive fouls. Offensive players intrusive fouls, such as the elbow is not foul, foul boxing, nor is it a malicious foul, the penalties should be dealt with as follows: no award offensive team scores; registered members of a foul intrusive foul; led the team not to register Foul (the sixth team foul intrusive, and the team had qualified Tibuduiyuan exception).

(3) No foul ball in the right ball after ball into a dynamic, the two sides when the team did not he the ball in with the other illegal contact, no foul ball. Members of intrusive foul. If boxing is not foul, malicious foul or elbow foul, and foul occurred when the two teams did not he the right to the ball, penalties should be dealt with as follows: registration of members of an intrusive foul fouls; team registered a team foul foul If the team does not ear foul penalty, awarded to the other team in place of the foul lines and around throwing Jie Waiqiu If a team foul penalty, awarded to a team infringement of free throws and a free throw. If the contractor has a defensive team without the ball right to foul, and then shooting (free throws) successful, should be awarded to a team infringement of free throws, so that there may be three minutes or four minutes. This provision lies to: Regardless of which offensive players foul; team foul penalty regardless of whether there. If the contractor offensive team without a foul ball right, then offensive players shooting success, non-scoring.

英语作文 你如何看待著名篮球运动员?列一份关于作为一名著名篮球运动员的好

Section 1: The Origin and basketball development

Basketball is the 1891 from Springfield, Massachusetts, United States (translation old Chun Tin), YMCA Training School physical education teachers J. Nai***ith created in the beginning, he would nail two baskets in the other room keys body stands railings , a football game tools used to throwing baskets. Netball in a basket at all, according to the number of points decide the outcome. After each pitch into the basket, it is necessary to remove Patizi re-start the ball game. After gradually baskets to live at the end of the iron basket, was later changed to iron ring below the net.

To 1893, a similar modern rebounds, and the Nets basket. First basketball game, the game, arena size, no strict time limit competition. However, the number of both sides participate in the competition must be equal. Competition began, the two sides were at the two ends of players, referees and the ball Mingxiao middle Zhixiang Stadium, the two sides toward the challenge for the ball at the start competition. Holding balls can shoot the ball toward the basket, first of all, to reach the target score for the win.

In 1892, 13 developed Naishimishi competition rules, the main provisions are not allowed to run balls, no action has rudely, prohibited from boxing ball, it is three times in a row-foul foul-1 negative points for the contest time requirements , the second half, 15 minutes; size of the venue also provided. Competition gradually reduce the number of game for each team of 10, 9, 7, 1893 as each team game five.

1904 Olympic Games in the third, the first one had basketball matches. 1908 United States to formulate a unified national basketball rules, and multiple text publication and distribution in the world, so that gradually spread throughout the basketball Americas, Europe and Asia, has become a world sport.

1936 will be the 11th Olympic Games men's basketball competition will be as formal and unified rules of world basketball competition, then, in 1948 to 10 years, the rules he been modified several times with the existing rules relating to the important changes are: scoring After the circle Taoqiu, replaced in the squad after missing field-throw line, inbounded to competition must be in the offensive team the ball within 10 seconds advance Daojianchang; ball into the market may not be back before after field; offensive team Members may not be in the "restricted zone" at 3 seconds; violations shooting team, hit one free throw, two free throws in a vote of no inferior. 1952 and 1956 Olympic Games 15, 16 two basketball games, there he been more than two meters above, the International Amateur Basketball Federation has twice extended basketball venues "restricted zone" (also called "regional" ) also provides that a team of the ball, must be shot within 30 seconds shots. In the early 1960's and the 10 seconds after the ball back to the field, once in 1960 for the 17th Olympic Games after the abolition of the midfield line to the mid-point of painting lines suspended. 1964 at the 18th Olympic Games, he resumed midfield line, and continue to implement these provisions. 17 increased by each team for 10 fouls, fouls in the defensive line at the two-shot foul with one of two free throws with impunity, not in a meeting requirements. 1981 will free throws after 10 fouls reduced to the provisions of eight times. Obviously, the personnel changes in the technical and tactical development caused a change in the rules, and rule changes can also promote personnel and technical and tactical changes in the further development. Especially since the late 1950s, changes in the rules of the game of basketball offensive speed, the athlete's physical, technical, tactical and will, and style are all continuing to set new, higher demands for the promotion of the level of basketball skills rapidly improved , the 16 women's basketball at its 21st session before the Olympic Games as a medal sport.

Second, the contest time

Every game two and a half hours when a total of four sessions, each of 12 minutes. Overtime for five minutes.

In the first quarter and II, Section III and IV 130 seconds rest between. Between the two semi-rest for 15 minutes. In paragraph four, and any extra overtime and between 100 seconds rest between.

In the first quarter, section II and III during the final 1 minute, shooting should stop after the success of game clock. In the fourth quarter and overtime during the final two minutes, after the success should stop shooting game of the clock.


您好:James in , was born on December 30 Akron, Ohio. James is in high school basketball, revealing his amazing talent, James graduated from St. Vincent - Sheng Mali (St. Vincent-St. Mary HS) High School, won three consecutive high school high school Mr. Basketball in Ohio, and led the St. Vincent - Sheng Mali four years, won three state high school championship. In his last year of four years of high school career, he eraged 31.6 points scored, 9.6 rebounds, 4.6 assists and 3.4 steals a perfect data.

He also has been involved in American football, he had as a member of the interstate teams, the location is an external member, but injuries made him focus on basketball on top.

In the 2003 NBA draft pick by the Cleveland Caliers in the first round, first overall pick to become champion, following Kwame Brown (Kwame Brown), the NBA draft will be the second high school champion.

2003 - 2004: James first game to face the Sacramento Kings, he personally made 25 points, 9 assists and 6 rebounds and shooting 60% of the project, James get a race against the New Jersey Nets 41 points become a game in NBA history in excess of 40 the youngest player. NBA rookie LeBron James in the season, eraging 20.9 points can be made, 5.5 rebounds, 5.9 assists, is the second former Cincinnati Royals guard Oscar Robertson (Oscar Robertson) and former Chicago Bulls guard Michael Jordan after the , NBA rookie season in the history of the third to get the erage "20 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists," the player. The results of this season the Caliers won 47 of 35 negative, than in previous quarter to win 18 games in the game, but not yet joined this playoffs.

2004 - 2005: James first elected to the NBA All-Star Game for the Eastern starters, the last East: area - to 125-115 win over the All-Star Western Conference All-Star, he made 13 points and 6 rebounds. He is also in the quarter, the youngest player to achieve a "three-double" and a match was given more than 50 points. But the Caliers are still not joined this season in the playoffs, the results are 42 wins 40 losses.

2005 - 2006: James All-Star team again, he made 29 points and 6 rebounds and 2 assists to help the east - Stars beat the Western Conference star, became the All-Star Game after the game's most valuable player to the 21-year-old 51 days became the youngest All-Star Game Most Valuable Player. This season, he made nine games in a row more than 35 points since the 10s, and only Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant to achieve this record. This season an erage of 31.4 points, 7.0 rebounds, 6.6 assists. He became the youngest NBA scoring erage of more than 30 points during the quarter, and a fourth quarter score of the erage Super 30 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists in the NBA players. The Caliers also the first time since 1998, joined this playoffs. In the playoffs, the Caliers first round opponent was the Washington Wizards. In the first game, James made 32 points, 11 rebounds and 11 assists. Caliers to -86 win over opponents. He is the second Johnny McCarthy and Magic Johnson, the third player made the playoffs in the first triple-double. Knight in the final six games to eliminate the Wizards. But in the second round, eliminated by the Detroit Pistons. James made the playoffs 30.8 points, 8.1 rebounds and 5.8 assists.

2006 - 2007: NBA All-Star Game, he made 26 points, six basketball and 6 assists. In addition, the Caliers to 50 wins achievement as the second seed Eastern NBA team. This season an erage of 27.3 points, 6.7 rebounds, 6.0 assists and 1.6 steals. First round playoff opponent was the Washington Wizards to a 4-0 defeat the last opponent. Second round opponent is the New Jersey Nets, Cleveland Caliers beat the opponent, the first time in 15 years since they joined this Eastern Conference finals. Final opponent is the Detroit Pistons, the Caliers before the first number in the total field behind 0-2, 4-2 final win against. James, outstanding performance in the fifth game, made 48 individual points, especially in the bre performance after the game section, arranged the team's 30 points in the final 29 points. Finally, add two hours after the Caliers beat the Pistons NBA first time in the history of the Eastern Conference championship. In the finals, against the San Antonio Spurs, the last four games with the Spurs beat the performance of James in the finals is not bad, the erage score was 22.0 points, 7.0 rebounds and 6.8 assists. Throughout the playoffs, an erage of 25.1 points, 8.0 rebounds and 8.1 assists. He also became the first Caliers player non-guard for 8 games at least 7 assists.

2007 - 2008: James was elected to 4 consecutive Eastern Conference All-Star, NBA All-Star Game in the battle. He became the most valuable player of the game to 27 points, 8 rebounds, 9 assists, two steals and two blocked shots to help the Eastern Conference; to 134-128 win over Western Union. 2007-08 season, James is the highest regular season scoring erage player, but lost in the regular season MVP Kobe Bryant and the we under ? Bao Luo was third. But as the NBA in scoring. James scores 45 wins and 37 losses to lead the team joined this postseason, faced the Washington Wizards in the first round, 4-2 victory over the total number of opponents field. In the second round to face the Boston Celtics, the Caliers forced the Celtics into the seventh game, but in the next 7 games, lost 3-4 to the total number of opponents failed to field further. James became the regular season most valuable player, is the Cleveland Caliers won this honor has always been the youngest player. Also the first time NBA defensive first team.

詹姆斯于年12月30日出生于俄亥俄州的阿克伦。詹姆斯于高中时期即展露出其惊人的篮球天份,詹姆斯毕业于圣文森特-圣马里(St. Vincent-St. Mary HS)高中,高中时期连续三次获得俄亥俄州高中篮球先生,并且带领圣文森特-圣马里中学四年里三次夺得州冠军。在他四年高中生涯的最后一年,他取得了场均31.6分、9.6个篮板 、4.6次助攻和3.4次抢断的完美数据。


在2003年NBA选秀中被克里夫兰骑士队在第一轮第一顺位摘下成为状元,这是继夸梅·布朗(Kwame Brown) 后,第二位NBA选秀会高中状元。

2003——2004年:詹姆斯第一场比赛面对萨克拉门托国王,他个人取得25分、9次助攻及6个篮板及60%的投射命中率,詹姆斯在一场对新泽西网队赛事取得41分,成为NBA史上在一场比赛取得超过40分的最年轻球员。在勒布朗·詹姆斯的NBA菜鸟球季就能取得场均20.9分、5.5个篮板、5.9次助攻,是继前辛辛那提队后卫奥斯卡·罗伯逊(Oscar Robertson)及前芝加哥公牛队后卫迈克尔·乔丹后,NBA史上第三位于新秀球季就得到平均“20分、5个篮板、5次助攻”的球员。这个球季骑士队的成绩是35胜47负,较上季多胜出18场的比赛,但仍未能晋身季后赛。


2005年——2006年:詹姆斯再次入选全明星赛,他取得29分6个篮板及2次助攻,协助东部-明星击败西部联盟明星,赛后成为了全明星赛最有价值球员,以21岁51天成为最年轻全明星赛最有价值球员。这个球季,他连续在九场比赛取得超过35分,自10年代起,只有迈克尔·乔丹及科比·布莱恩特才能达成这记录。这个球季平均取得31.4分、7.0个篮板、6.6次助攻。他成为NBA最年轻平均季内得分超过30分,以及成为第四名平均季内得分超级30分、7个篮板及6次助攻的NBA球员。而骑士队更自1998年以来首次晋身季后赛。在季后赛,骑士队首圈的对手是华盛顿奇才。在第一场比赛,詹姆斯取得32分、11个篮板及11个助攻。骑士队以-86击败对手。他是继Johnny McCarthy及魔术师约翰逊后,第三名球员在首场季后赛比赛取得三双。最终骑士在六场比赛将奇才淘汰。不过在第二圈,被底特律活塞淘汰出局。詹姆斯在季后赛取得30.8分、8.1个篮板及5.8个助攻。


2007年——2008年:詹姆斯连续4年入选东部联盟全明星,在NBA全明星赛上阵。他成为比赛中的最有价值球员,以27分、8个篮板、9个助攻、2个抢断及2个盖帽协助东部联盟;以134-128击败西部联盟。詹姆斯是2007-08球季常规赛平均得分最高的球员,不过在常规赛MVP不敌科比·布莱恩特和波?宝罗之下得第三。但成为了NBA的得分王。詹姆斯以45胜37负成绩带领球队晋身季后赛,在第一圈面对华盛顿奇才,以总场数4-2击败对手。在第二圈面对波士顿凯尔特人,骑士队迫使凯尔特人进入第七场比赛,但在7场比赛下以总场数3-4负于对手未能再进一步。 詹姆斯成为常规赛最有价值球员,是骑士队历来夺得此荣誉的最年轻球员。亦首次进入NBA防守一队。





Basketball Description:

According to written records, basketball 1891 by the American James Nai***ith invented. At that time, he taught at the YMCA International Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts. Locally produced peaches, where children really like to do with the game ball into peach baskets. This enables him to get inspired and draw upon the characteristics of the other ball games such as football, hockey, compose a basketball game.

The first basketball game is relatively simple, and no limit to the size of the venue and the number of people participating in the game. Game players divided into an equal number of teams, respectively standing on both ends of the stadium, after tossing to the center of the field, the referee, The two sides players immediately Chongjinchangnei the challenge for the ball, and strive ball dropped into the other side of the basket. Peach basket was the bottom later shot the ball on the left in the basket must boarded the the dedicated ladder to the ball removed from the basket.

With the continuous improvement of the venues and facilities, the basket cancel the end of the basket, and switch to hoops instead of the peach basket, made with wooden backboard instead of wire backstop, site creation midline, in the circle, and the free-throw line, the game changed by midfielder jump ball to start. At the same time, the court game players usually changed to 5 people per team, began to guard, guard, center, forward, left behind, such as the location of the sub. , Nai***ith developed a less than perfect competition rules, a total of 13 articles, which provides not allowed to run with the ball, holding, pushing, tripping people, beating. This greatly enhances the fun of the game of basketball, and attract more people to take part in this game, so basketball soon spread to the United States.

In 1892, the basketball first spread from the United States to Mexico, and soon in Mexico throughout been carried out. In this way, Mexico has become the country except for the United States, the first to carry out a basketball. Since then, the sport has spread to France, the United Kingdom, China, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Australia, Lebanon, has been carried out, the popularity and development worldwide.

1896, Americans Baobogaili basketball was introduced to China, the first carried out in Tianjin, Beijing and other cities YMCA. In old China, the first National Games in 1910, the basketball for the first time as a demonstration event. In 1913, basketball was listed as China's domestic official event. Basketball since 1951, has been an official event in the Asian Games.

The International Amateur Basketball Federation was established in 1932, the men's basketball by the International Olympic Committee accepted as an official Olympic sport. In 1946, the U.S. professional basketball league, and the development of the current NBA.

Women's basketball is only the beginning of the 20th century unfolded. In 16, women's basketball is listed as an official Olympic sport.

Basketball game standard venue is 26 meters long, 14 meters wide and four outside the boundaries of at least 2 meters may not he any obstructions, such as in the interior height of the ceiling should be at least 7 meters. The stadium points midline, frontcourt and backcourt, 1-meter line in the circle and penalty area after games free-throw line two semicircles of radius 80. Ring below the rectangle as restricted zones, commonly known as the restricted area. Before, the after venue arched arc outside the region said the three-point shot, shooting 3 arched arc.

The rules of the game of basketball more, and quite complex, a total of 93. Now people are not familiar with some of the rules as outlined below:

1.3-second rule: a team in control of the ball, with the team members to stay in the other restricted area shall not exceed 3 seconds. During the game or the ball after a throw-in in the world outside the case, as long as the same party players stay in the other restricted area for more than 3 seconds, the referee immediately blows the whistle and fined 3 second violation.

2.5-second rule: when a ball carrier is tight defense, passing, netball, bowls or dribble within 5 seconds, the sentencing offenses. Awarded 5-second violation in the past of scrimmage, and now by the other players throw near.

3.10-second rule: A team from the backcourt to control the ball, must be within 10 seconds the ball forward frontcourt Otherwise, sentenced to a 10-second violation, throw-in by the other side.

4.30-second rule: a team in control of the ball on the floor, must be within 30 seconds a shot off, otherwise sentenced a 30-second violation. In the past, such as within 30 seconds the ball was the other hit of bounds will be recalculated after 30 seconds, from sideline throw foul ball not be recalculated after 30 seconds, but must be shot off within 30 seconds remaining, Otherwise, still sentenced to a 30-second violation, sentenced throw-in by the other side.

Team seven times foul rules, and one plus one free throw rules: each half of the game, a team of players a personal foul and a technical foul count has reached a total of seven times, after which any player of the team and then a personal foul occurred or technical foul will perform one plus one free throw rules, the opposing player award violated free throws, free throw is successful, and then by the players additional free throw once; such as free throws in the first, the game should continue, and no longer give additional free throw opportunities. If the kicker penalty ball did not touch the ring, the penalty for the unauthorized throw from each other on the sideline. Basketball terminology Expounding:

(1) dunk: athletes, jump in the air from top to bottom the ball directly into the buckle ring with one hand or both hands holding the ball.

(2) up shot: Missed the the athletes jump up in the air the ball up into the basket.

(3) card bit: offensive use of footwork the defender blocked behind in their own, this footwork called card-bit.

(4) collar ball: Shun passing flight direction moving to take advantage of the ball.

(5) dislocation defense: the defender station in own defense offensive side of the trunk, to obstruct his ball called dislocation defensive.

(6) To bit: offensive body defense behind him, the to occupy forable ball position.

(7) a breakthrough: dribble beyond defensive people.

(8) empty cut: offensive empty-handed to the basket the running.

(9) a biography: was a passing of the ball from defensive to offensive.

(10) caps: the offensive shooting hand, defender managed to knock down the action of the air ball.

(11) to fill the seats: When a defense, people are losing the right defensive position, another defensive complement of its correct defensive position in a timely manner.

(12) to assist in the defense: assist companion defensive.

(13) press defense: close to the offensive, and continue to use aggressive defensive action, threatening the safety of the other side the ball or let the other ball.

(14) Xiecha: slash sprint from the sideline to the basket or the middle of the stadium.

(15) Time difference: when shooting, in order to escape the cover defense, the use of air for changing the shot to shot time.












2.5秒钟规则:当一个持球队员被严密防守,在5 秒钟内没有传球、投球、滚球或运球时,也将宣判违例。过去5秒违例判争球,现在则由对方队员就近掷界外球。




























7.帕隆·内雷奥·罗科,以及他那些以“Cio Mona”作为开场白的演说,言犹在耳,声声不息!























Lo Bello,他们家族会遭到天谴的……把该黑哨打倒在地,再踏上一万只脚,






















47.我们亲爱的“Beep Beep”马萨罗总是替补登场,却往往能够进球!得此良将,实乃天幸!其实这不足为奇,他的存在本来就是天佑米兰,他就是米兰的神











56.在对佩鲁贾那场比赛中,最令我难忘的并不是古利和比埃尔霍夫的两粒进球,而是阿比亚蒂在最后时刻做出的至关重要的扑救,那是何等精彩的一次扑救!2米开外的大力射门,克里斯蒂安飞身救险,挽救了战局,是的,那次扑救也保住了我们的联赛冠军!Forza天下第一门将!FORZA CHRISTIAN!

























79.冠军杯四分之一决赛次回合,对阵阿贾克斯,圣西罗,第93分钟,直到超级皮波完成那个奇迹般的进球,甚至连最狂热和乐观的FDL(FOSSA DEI LEONI,米兰球迷组织)成员(例如迪诺,基诺,米诺,里诺等等)都不敢想象如此美妙的结局,皮球缓缓地越过阿贾克斯门将,恰好在横梁之下飞过门线,为我们打开了晋级下一轮的大门,在我生命中还很少感受过如此强烈的,我激动得无法言语,失去了力气,我扑倒在地板上,把脸埋进地毯里,试图调整自己的呼吸,从地狱到天堂,悲喜两重天!





















89.在克莱伦斯打进致胜一球后,迪兹亚诺·克鲁德利(米兰电视台评论员)几乎激动得昏过去,他不停地高喊着“E allora?(And then?)E allora?E allora? E allora? E allora?”这是我听到过的最难忘的现场评论,与此形成鲜明对照的,是恰好坐在他身边的那位国际米兰球评的脸色和表情,那个表情值得起一百万美元!














President: Did Stern (Did Stern)

Existing team:

The eastern conference

The Pacific division: the New York knicks, New Jersey, the Boston celtics, Toronto, the Philadelphia 76ers

The central division: Detroit, the indiana pacers, the Cleveland caliers, Milwaukee bucks, the Chicago bulls

Southeast division: Miami heat, Orlando, the Washington wizards, Atlanta hawks, the charlotte bobcats

Western union

Northwest division: the Minnesota timberwolves, Denver, Utah, the Portland trail blazers, Oklahoma thunder

The Pacific division: the Sacramento Kings, the Los Angeles lakers, the phoenix SUNS, the golden state warriors, the Los Angeles clippers

Southwest division: SAN Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Memphis, the New Orleans hornets

In 1891, americans James neville's dr ***ith in Massachusetts institute of springfield, in order to give the students to find a way of winter sports exercise in 1891, with two broken basket and a substitution of football, basketball, it created a raging today is the NBA. The NBA was founded in 1946, June 6. When was the call BAA, namely the Basketball Association (on) of Basketball is.md by ten a BingQiuGuan and gymnasium boss in order to make the game outside the stadium on time and not idle and jointly sponsored by the.

The rules of competition.

The NBA is the professional basketball league, the NBA rules formulated by its inevitable and FIBA rules for the FIBA central federation of the same.

(a) the game

1 stadium specifications

The size of stadium in the NBA is 94 feet long, wide 28.65 meters) (50 feet (15.24 meters). Of course the boundaries of the measured from within and line width for 2 inches (5.08 cm). At both ends of the court with rectangle, 19 feet (penalty area 5.79 meters), wide 16 feet (4.88 meters). Stadium ends with 3 point shooting line, line drawn from HuaFa is parallel to the line of two lines, each line is 3 feet (0.91), and to the basket to the right, with 23 center feet 9 (7.24 meters) of arc radius of intersection. The arc radius WNBA 19 feet 9 inches (6.02 meters). Circle radius is six feet (standing 1.83 meters). In the circle circle radius is 2 feet (0.61 meters), a line across them. 4 the perpendicular line 2 inches wide of the mark line 5.08 centimeters), 28 feet (from bottom to 8.53 meters) inside 3 feet (extended 0.91 meters). (position and neutral zone and some short mark line slightly.

2 games time

Game 4 is divided into two and a half day, every day for 12 minutes. Overtime for 5 minutes. In the first quarter and the second quarter, the third quarter and the fourth quarter rest between 130 seconds. Two and a half between 15 minutes rest. In the fourth quarter and overtime and any overtime break between between 100 seconds. In the first quarter, the second and third quarter during the last minute, shooting game after a successful should stop the clock. In the fourth quarter and overtime during the last two minutes, after the success should stop shooting game clock.

3 the ball and goal, pressure

When the ball into the ball: when fights for the ball, Stay on the ball in the basket or card in the ring and between rebounds, RenYiJie time end, Technical fouls free throws, Foul (boxing fouls committed, the foul), Many times in the first free; free Walk on the ball, unauthorised (3 seconds, 10 seconds, and 24 seconds, etc.), Fight fouls, The lack of oversight, After successfully shot or free throws, In the outfield players possession before. The ball ball: in any jumpball survival, referees ball, Players can handle the throwers ball, Kickers can handle the ball. The ball into energy ball: the ball is a jumpball players cled lawful, The ball from the team when the throwers hands, The ball away when the kickers hands.



篮球 用球向悬在高处的目标进行投准比赛的球类活动。由于最初是用装水要的篮筐作投掷目标,故名“篮球”。现代篮球运动已经发展成为一项具有灵活巧妙的技术和变化多端的战术相结合的竞赛活动。从事篮球运动能促使人体的力量、速度、耐久力、灵活性等素质全面发展,并能提高内脏器官、感觉器官和神经中枢的功能;它对培养勇敢、机智、集体主义和组织纪律性等品质都有很大益处。 发展概况 篮球是1891年由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德(旧译春田)市***教青年会训练学校体育教师J.奈史密斯博士创造的,起初,他将两只桃篮分别钉在键身房内看台的栏杆上,桃篮上沿距离地面3.05米,有足球作比赛工具,向篮投掷。投球入篮得1分,按得分多少决定胜负。每次投球进篮后,要爬将球取出再重新开始比赛。以后逐步将竹篮改为活底的铁篮,再改为铁圈下面挂网。到1893年,形成近似现代的篮板、篮圈和篮网。最初的篮球比赛,对上场人数、场地大小,比赛时间均无严格限制。只需双方参加比赛的人数必须相等。比赛开始,双方队员分别站在两端线外,裁判员鸣哨并将球掷向球场中间,双方跑向场内抢球,开始比赛。持球者可以抱着球跑向篮下投篮,首先达到预定分数者为胜。1892年,奈史密斯制定了13条比赛规则,主要规定是不准持球跑,不准有粗野动作,不准用拳击球,否则即判犯规连续3次犯规判负1分;比赛时间规定为上、下半时,各15分钟;对场地大小也作了规定。上场比赛人数逐步缩减为每队10人、9人、7人,1893年定为每队上场5人。1904年在第3届奥林匹克运动会上第1次进行了篮球表演赛。1908年美国制定了全国统一的篮球规则,并有多种文字出版,发行于全世界。这样,篮球运动逐渐传遍美洲、欧洲和亚洲,成为世界性运动项目。1936年第11届奥运会将男子篮球列为正式比赛项目,并统一了世界篮球竞赛规则。此后,到1948年的10多年间,规则曾多次修改,与现行规则有关的重要变化是:将得分后的中圈跳球,改为失分队在后场端线外掷界外球继续比赛;进攻队必须在10秒钟内把球推进到前场;球进前场后不得再回后场;进攻队员不得在“限制区”内停留3秒钟;投篮队员被侵犯时,投中罚球1次,投不中罚球2 次等。1952年和1956年第15、16两届奥运会的篮球比赛中,出现了两米以上的多人,国际业余篮球联合会曾两次扩大篮球场地的“限制区”(也叫“3分区”);还规定,一个队控制球后,必须在30秒内投篮出手。六十年代初有关10秒和球回后场的规定,一度因1960年第17届奥运会后取消了中场线改画边线的中点而中止。1964年第18届奥运会后,又恢复了中场线,这些规定又继续执行。17年增加了每队满10次犯规后,在防守犯规时罚球两次,防投篮时犯规两罚有1次不中再加罚1次的规定。1981年又将10次犯规后罚球的规定缩减到8次。很明显,人员的变化的技术,战术的发展引起了规则的改变,而规则的改变又促进了人员和技术、战术的进一步发展变化。特别是五十年代后期以来,规则的改变对篮球比赛的攻守速度,对运动员的身体、技术、战术以及意志、作风等各方面都不断提出新的更高的要求,促进了篮球技术水平的迅速提高,女子篮球是16年第21届奥运会上才列为正式比赛项目的。篮球运动是1896年前后由天津中华***教青年会传入中国的,随后在北京、上海***教青年会里也有了此项活动。在1910年的全运会上举行了男子篮球表演赛之后,在全国各大城市的大、中学校的篮球活动逐渐开展起来,其中以天津、北京、上海开展得较好,水平也较高。当时的比赛规则很简单,在球场中间画一个约有1米直径的中圈,中锋队员跳球时一只手必须置于背后腰部,任何一足不得踏出圈外。技术也简单,中圈跳球后,谁接到球就自己运球,超过防守人就投篮。当时只会直线运球前进,传球方法是单、双手胸前传球,跑动投篮是用单手低手上篮,立定投篮无论远近都是用双手腹前低手投篮。1925年前后,进攻和防守的5名运动员,有了较明确的分工,中锋对中锋,后卫对前锋,有人盯人,各自盯住自己的对手。但前锋的职责是只管进攻投篮,不管退守;后卫的职责是只管防守抢截球,不管投篮。前锋和后卫很少全场跑动,只有中锋要攻守兼顾。以后又逐渐改为两后卫1人助攻(活动后卫),1人留守后场(固定后卫),两前锋也变为1人留在前场专管偷袭、快攻,1人退守后场助防。技术动作也有所发展,跑动投篮出现了单手、高手投篮,立定投篮出现了双手胸前投篮,传球出现了单、双手击地传球,运球出现了两手交替运球躲闪防守和超越防守向前推进的技术。规则中增加了罚球区和罚球线,队员犯规4次即被取消比赛资格,犯规罚球可由队长指定任何1个队员主罚。比赛时间分为上、下半时各20分钟,中间休息10分钟。每次投中或罚中后,都在中圈跳球,重新开始比赛。而中国篮球运动水平在1926年以后有了较大提高。


Hanging ball to the goal of high investment potential competition for ball games. Since the initial installation of water is thrown to the basket for target, named "Basketball." Modern Basketball has become a clever technology with flexible and varied combination of tactical contest. In basketball can promote the body's strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, quality and so on comprehensive development and improve the internal organs, sensory organs and central nervous functions; its culture bre, resourceful, collective, and organizational discipline and other qualities he great benefits. Overview of basketball in 1891 by the United States, Massachusetts, Springfield (Springfield, the old translation) City YMCA training school physical education teachers, Dr. J. Nai***ith created, at first, he nailed two peach baskets were key body in the room grandstand railing, peach basket on the ground along the distance of 3.05 meters, a football game to make tools, throw to the basket. 1 point pitch into the basket, by scoring the number of shots. After each pitch into the basket, the ball to climb a ladder to remove the re-start the race. Gradually changed to live after the end of the iron baskets basket, then the following link to hoop net. To 1893, similar to the modern form rebounds, ring, and the Nets. The first basketball game, the number of the playing, the venue size, no strictly limited playing time. Just the two sides must be equal to the number of race. Start of the race, both players were standing on both ends of the line, the referee whistle and throw the ball the middle course, both sides ran the ball inside, start the race. The ball can hold the ball ran to the basket shot, first reached the target score the winner. In 1892, Nai***ith formulated 13 rules of the game, the main provisions are not allowed to run the ball, allowed a rough action, not allowed to use the boxing ball, or foul and sentenced to 3 consecutive fouls negative 1; playing time provisions , the second half, each 15 minutes; on the size of the venue is also provided. Gradually reduce the number of games played per team of 10 people, 9, 7, 1893, as each team playing 5. 1904 Olympic Games in 3 1 was the first basketball exhibition game. 1908 United States established a unified national basketball rules, and a variety of text published and distributed throughout the world. Thus, the gradual spread of basketball in America, Europe and Asia, has become a world sport. 1936 11th Olympic Games men's basketball will be listed as an official sport, and unity of the world basketball competition rules. Since then, more than 10 years to 1948, the rules he been amended several times, with the existing rules of important changes are: to score after the jump ball in the circle instead of missing elements in the post-End Line to continue to race outside the bounds; offensive Teams must advance the ball within 10 seconds Daoqian Chang; the ball into the front court not to return after the backcourt; offensive players not in the "restricted zone" to stay for 3 seconds; shooting team has been violated, hit a free throw 1 , voted no in the free-throw two second-class. 1952 and 1956, the first two Olympics 15,16 basketball game, there has been more than two meters more than twice the International Amateur Basketball Federation Basketball venues to expand the "restricted zone" (also known as "three zones") ; also provides control of the ball after a team must shoot within 30 seconds shot. The early sixties about 10 seconds and the provisions of the ball returned to the backcourt, was once the 17th Olympic Games in 1960 after the abolition of the midfield line drawn sideline to change the midpoint of the suspension. The 18th Olympic Games in 1964 after he returned to midfield line, these provisions are to continue. 17, an increase of over 10 fouls per team, after two free throws when the defensive foul, anti-foul free throws when shooting are not in the plus 1 penalty provisions 1. In turn 10 in 1981 after the penalty provisions of foul reduced to 8 times. Obviously, changes in personnel the technical and tactical development caused a rule change, which has promoted the rule changes and technical and tactical changes in the further development. Since the late fifties in particular is, rules of change offensive and defensive basketball game speed, the athletes physical, technical, tactical and determination, style and other aspects are Buduantichu the higher the Yao Qiu Xin, to promote the technical level of basketball Xun Su increase women's basketball in 16 before the 21th Olympic Games as an official event. Basketball is a before and after 1896 by the Tianjin YMCA introduced to China, then in Beijing, Shanghai, where the YMCA also has this activity. National Games in 1910 held a men's basketball exhibition games, the big cities in the country, the school basketball gradually unfolded, in which Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, conducted in a better and higher level. Rules of the game was very simple, in the middle of planning a course of about 1 meter in diameter circle, when the center jump ball players must be placed a hand behind the waist, not step foot outside of the circle either. Technology is simple, after the jump ball in the circle, who received the ball on his dribble, over defense of people on the shooting. Only straight forward then dribbling, passing is a single, hand chest pass, running shot is a layup with one hand underhand, standing shot are both near and far before the lower abdomen with both hands, shooting hand. Around 1925, the offensive and defensive five athletes, with a clearer division of labor, center of the center, back to the striker, it was marking, each pegged to their opponents. But the striker's role is simply offensive shot, regardless of retreat; guard duty is simply defense steals the ball, regardless of shooting. Overall very little running forwards and backwards, and only center to offensive and defensive balance. And later gradually replaced by two guard 1 assists (active guard), a person left behind after the field (fixed guard), the two strikers he become an exclusive competence to stay up front attack, quick attack, a man retreated after the field-assisted anti- . Action has also been the development of technology, running one-handed shooting occurred, master shot, standing shot his hands chest shot there, there was a single pass, his hands hitting the ground ball, alternating hands dribbling dribbling dodge eared defensive and beyond defense technology forward. Rules increased the penalty area and the free throw line, team fouls four times is canceled the competition and foul free throw by any one member ointed captain takes the kick. Time into the game, the second half for 20 minutes, break of 10 minutes. Penalty in each cast or after the jump ball in the circle, re-start the race. The level of the Chinese basketball has improved greatly since 1926.

James in , was born on December 30 Akron, Ohio. James is in high school basketball, revealing his amazing talent, James graduated from St. Vincent - Sheng Mali (St. Vincent-St. Mary HS) High School, won three consecutive high school high school Mr. Basketball in Ohio, and led the St. Vincent - Sheng Mali four years, won three state high school championship. In his last year of four years of high school career, he eraged 31.6 points scored, 9.6 rebounds, 4.6 assists and 3.4 steals a perfect data.

He also has been involved in American football, he had as a member of the interstate teams, the location is an external member, but injuries made him focus on basketball on top.

In the 2003 NBA draft pick by the Cleveland Caliers in the first round, first overall pick to become champion, following Kwame Brown (Kwame Brown), the NBA draft will be the second high school champion.

2003 - 2004: James first game to face the Sacramento Kings, he personally made 25 points, 9 assists and 6 rebounds and shooting 60% of the project, James get a race against the New Jersey Nets 41 points become a game in NBA history in excess of 40 the youngest player. NBA rookie LeBron James in the season, eraging 20.9 points can be made, 5.5 rebounds, 5.9 assists, is the second former Cincinnati Royals guard Oscar Robertson (Oscar Robertson) and former Chicago Bulls guard Michael Jordan after the , NBA rookie season in the history of the third to get the erage "20 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists," the player. The results of this season the Caliers won 47 of 35 negative, than in previous quarter to win 18 games in the game, but not yet joined this playoffs.

2004 - 2005: James first elected to the NBA All-Star Game for the Eastern starters, the last East: area - to 125-115 win over the All-Star Western Conference All-Star, he made 13 points and 6 rebounds. He is also in the quarter, the youngest player to achieve a "three-double" and a match was given more than 50 points. But the Caliers are still not joined this season in the playoffs, the results are 42 wins 40 losses.

2005 - 2006: James All-Star team again, he made 29 points and 6 rebounds and 2 assists to help the east - Stars beat the Western Conference star, became the All-Star Game after the game's most valuable player to the 21-year-old 51 days became the youngest All-Star Game Most Valuable Player. This season, he made nine games in a row more than 35 points since the 10s, and only Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant to achieve this record. This season an erage of 31.4 points, 7.0 rebounds, 6.6 assists. He became the youngest NBA scoring erage of more than 30 points during the quarter, and a fourth quarter score of the erage Super 30 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists in the NBA players. The Caliers also the first time since 1998, joined this playoffs. In the playoffs, the Caliers first round opponent was the Washington Wizards. In the first game, James made 32 points, 11 rebounds and 11 assists. Caliers to -86 win over opponents. He is the second Johnny McCarthy and Magic Johnson, the third player made the playoffs in the first triple-double. Knight in the final six games to eliminate the Wizards. But in the second round, eliminated by the Detroit Pistons. James made the playoffs 30.8 points, 8.1 rebounds and 5.8 assists.

2006 - 2007: NBA All-Star Game, he made 26 points, six basketball and 6 assists. In addition, the Caliers to 50 wins achievement as the second seed Eastern NBA team. This season an erage of 27.3 points, 6.7 rebounds, 6.0 assists and 1.6 steals. First round playoff opponent was the Washington Wizards to a 4-0 defeat the last opponent. Second round opponent is the New Jersey Nets, Cleveland Caliers beat the opponent, the first time in 15 years since they joined this Eastern Conference finals. Final opponent is the Detroit Pistons, the Caliers before the first number in the total field behind 0-2, 4-2 final win against. James, outstanding performance in the fifth game, made 48 individual points, especially in the bre performance after the game section, arranged the team's 30 points in the final 29 points. Finally, add two hours after the Caliers beat the Pistons NBA first time in the history of the Eastern Conference championship. In the finals, against the San Antonio Spurs, the last four games with the Spurs beat the performance of James in the finals is not bad, the erage score was 22.0 points, 7.0 rebounds and 6.8 assists. Throughout the playoffs, an erage of 25.1 points, 8.0 rebounds and 8.1 assists. He also became the first Caliers player non-guard for 8 games at least 7 assists.

2007 - 2008: James was elected to 4 consecutive Eastern Conference All-Star, NBA All-Star Game in the battle. He became the most valuable player of the game to 27 points, 8 rebounds, 9 assists, two steals and two blocked shots to help the Eastern Conference; to 134-128 win over Western Union. 2007-08 season, James is the highest regular season scoring erage player, but lost in the regular season MVP Kobe Bryant and the we under ? Bao Luo was third. But as the NBA in scoring. James scores 45 wins and 37 losses to lead the team joined this postseason, faced the Washington Wizards in the first round, 4-2 victory over the total number of opponents field. In the second round to face the Boston Celtics, the Caliers forced the Celtics into the seventh game, but in the next 7 games, lost 3-4 to the total number of opponents failed to field further. James became the regular season most valuable player, is the Cleveland Caliers won this honor has always been the youngest player. Also the first time NBA defensive first team.

詹姆斯于年12月30日出生于俄亥俄州的阿克伦。詹姆斯于高中时期即展露出其惊人的篮球天份,詹姆斯毕业于圣文森特-圣马里(St. Vincent-St. Mary HS)高中,高中时期连续三次获得俄亥俄州高中篮球先生,并且带领圣文森特-圣马里中学四年里三次夺得州冠军。在他四年高中生涯的最后一年,他取得了场均31.6分、9.6个篮板 、4.6次助攻和3.4次抢断的完美数据。


在2003年NBA选秀中被克里夫兰骑士队在第一轮第一顺位摘下成为状元,这是继夸梅·布朗(Kwame Brown) 后,第二位NBA选秀会高中状元。

2003——2004年:詹姆斯第一场比赛面对萨克拉门托国王,他个人取得25分、9次助攻及6个篮板及60%的投射命中率,詹姆斯在一场对新泽西网队赛事取得41分,成为NBA史上在一场比赛取得超过40分的最年轻球员。在勒布朗·詹姆斯的NBA菜鸟球季就能取得场均20.9分、5.5个篮板、5.9次助攻,是继前辛辛那提队后卫奥斯卡·罗伯逊(Oscar Robertson)及前芝加哥公牛队后卫迈克尔·乔丹后,NBA史上第三位于新秀球季就得到平均“20分、5个篮板、5次助攻”的球员。这个球季骑士队的成绩是35胜47负,较上季多胜出18场的比赛,但仍未能晋身季后赛。


2005年——2006年:詹姆斯再次入选全明星赛,他取得29分6个篮板及2次助攻,协助东部-明星击败西部联盟明星,赛后成为了全明星赛最有价值球员,以21岁51天成为最年轻全明星赛最有价值球员。这个球季,他连续在九场比赛取得超过35分,自10年代起,只有迈克尔·乔丹及科比·布莱恩特才能达成这记录。这个球季平均取得31.4分、7.0个篮板、6.6次助攻。他成为NBA最年轻平均季内得分超过30分,以及成为第四名平均季内得分超级30分、7个篮板及6次助攻的NBA球员。而骑士队更自1998年以来首次晋身季后赛。在季后赛,骑士队首圈的对手是华盛顿奇才。在第一场比赛,詹姆斯取得32分、11个篮板及11个助攻。骑士队以-86击败对手。他是继Johnny McCarthy及魔术师约翰逊后,第三名球员在首场季后赛比赛取得三双。最终骑士在六场比赛将奇才淘汰。不过在第二圈,被底特律活塞淘汰出局。詹姆斯在季后赛取得30.8分、8.1个篮板及5.8个助攻。


2007年——2008年:詹姆斯连续4年入选东部联盟全明星,在NBA全明星赛上阵。他成为比赛中的最有价值球员,以27分、8个篮板、9个助攻、2个抢断及2个盖帽协助东部联盟;以134-128击败西部联盟。詹姆斯是2007-08球季常规赛平均得分最高的球员,不过在常规赛MVP不敌科比·布莱恩特和波?宝罗之下得第三。但成为了NBA的得分王。詹姆斯以45胜37负成绩带领球队晋身季后赛,在第一圈面对华盛顿奇才,以总场数4-2击败对手。在第二圈面对波士顿凯尔特人,骑士队迫使凯尔特人进入第七场比赛,但在7场比赛下以总场数3-4负于对手未能再进一步。 詹姆斯成为常规赛最有价值球员,是骑士队历来夺得此荣誉的最年轻球员。亦首次进入NBA防守一队。