
tamoadmin 专栏观点 2024-08-29 0
  1. elatedlink>27
  2. 《实况足球2016》MC模式巨星入手方法说明
  3. 关于介绍足球明星的英语作文
  4. 马里博尔足球俱乐部的2013年阵容
  5. 实况足球10里面的球员全是英文,能不能该成中文阿。拜托了各位 谢谢





喜欢的艺人:徐太志、李孝利、裴勇俊、Limp?Bizkit、KORN、Metallica、U2、? 12年1月6日录制辽宁春晚访
















除“人气王奖”,本次评奖还设置8个奖项。徐云龙、解立彬和薛明分别获得足、篮、排球单项人气王;北理工博士球员杨阳获“最佳社会公益形象奖”,北京男篮的陈磊获得“最佳体育风尚奖”,北京国安的王晓龙获得“最快进步奖”;金志扬和年维泗拿到了特别贡献奖和终身荣誉奖两项大奖。 由北京体育广播举办的第二届“京都球侠”评选活动在北京举行。


69岁的金志扬获得了终身荣誉奖。 京都球侠·北京第四届(2014年度)球迷喜爱的三大球明星评选活动颁奖仪式12月22日举行,最终悬念现场揭晓:

附 获奖名单:

1. 年度京都球侠评选“人气王”奖 达科·马季奇(Darko Matic)

2. 年度最受球迷喜爱的足球运动员奖 达科·马季奇(Darko Matic)

3. 年度最受球迷喜爱的篮球运动员奖 孙悦

4. 年度最受球迷喜爱的排球运动员奖 曾春蕾

5. 年度特别贡献奖 北京首钢男篮

6. 年度体育风尚奖 北京八喜足球队

7. 年度社会公益奖 高雷雷

8. 年度终身成就 宋晓波

9. 年度最受球迷喜爱的百姓(足球)球星奖 张亦潋 2015年第五届京都球侠颁奖仪式21日在北京五棵松体育馆举行,各奖项全部出炉。在本届京都球侠评选中,北京国安的徐云龙、首钢男篮的翟晓川以及北汽女排的曾春蕾分别获得最受球迷喜爱的足球、篮球、排球运动员奖。





姓名:达科·马季奇(Darko Matic)










2005-2007斯洛伐克甲级队FC Senec

20007 FC Senec辛纳克

姓名:马里乌斯·拉杜(Radu Marius Adrian)


















全部黑球 坑位已达140个 都是一场场踢出来的GP 这种成就感不是靠冲RMB的朋友能知道其中的累

我们这样的玩游戏从来不靠修改不靠刷钱的自虐狂 很多人也许不理解 MC里和电脑的比赛应该快接近3000场了 要再买个坑位也要 170000 17万GP

再发几个网上找的资料 感谢创作它们的玩家

C罗的100%组合公式:西甲 + LWF + 185 组合就是唯一的,然后只要全满足条件就必出。

罗本的100%组合公式: 30 + RWF + 欧洲其他联赛

梅西 + 内马尔: 33.3% 6选2 组合公式 西甲 + SS + 美洲国籍

穆勒的100%组合:欧洲其它联赛 + SS + 185+

热鸟100%组合: LWF+意大利联赛+非洲籍

萨拉赫100%组合: RWF +意大利联赛+非洲籍


Blind/Barry/Matic: DMf + 英格兰联赛+左脚

Benatia: CB + 非洲国籍+欧洲其它联赛

小马哥 Maschorano: DMF + 西甲 +美洲国籍

马塞洛:西甲+LB+进攻能力 我已出

皮尔洛:DMF + Freeagent + Placekicking 我已出

亚当图兰:西甲+亚洲国籍 +low pass 我已出

比达尔 (33.3%):欧洲其他联赛+CMF + defensive poweness

Honda: 意甲+左脚+亚洲国籍

更新 Depay:英超+LWF+placekicking

更新 Bale: 西甲+左脚+RWF

更新 盖坦:葡超+LMF+进攻能力

澳大利亚的老将卡希尔: 亚洲国籍+AMF+Head 已出

席尔瓦+路易斯组合(共11人4黑球): 法甲+美洲国籍+ball winning

Hulk: RWF + 欧洲其他联赛+ Placekicking

现在搞了几个组 MC轮流踢 赚GP ,这几组的人员等级都到LV50了,大巴黎等到全部要的人全搞全了再全练到LV50~ 估计那时候2017也出了吧~

拜仁挖来 莫拉塔后的样子


Did Beckham is England's answer to the Spice Girls. He is a pop star in a uniform. Not only is he married to Victoria Adams, the Spice Girl formerly known as Posh, but he is England's most famous and brightest player. He is the pretty boy, rock star and idol of the country, even though he no longer plays for the English Premiership (England's top or football league).

His career has seen a whirlwind of ups and downs, not to mention a whole lot of press. Fans blamed his infamous red card in the 1998 World Cup in France for England's elimination. Yet many consider his superb play during the 1998-1999 season as the reason why his team, Manchester United, enjoyed unprecedented success. Love him or hate him, his skin is thicker than an elephant's considering all the abuse and adoration he has received.

In June 2003, Bechkam was traded to Real Madrid -- 's Dream Team -- for $41 million. Despite his ability on the field, he is a pop culture icon, as the unofficial "metroual" poster boy with a brand of Cologne for men bearing his name.

Did Beckham isn't outspoken or particularly extroverted, but his temper is almost as famous as his hairstyles, and has gotten him into a fair share of trouble.

Talent-wise, few can compare to him. But more often than not, he is quoted as the most marketable player in the world (instead of the best) because of his chari***a and his enormous fan base. Without an underlying talent though, not even the world's most chara***atic character would he the global eal Beckham has.

How good is he? Well, let's just say he has a tendency to score goals from a very, very long distance. Try 57 yards. That doesn't seem like much, but to put it in perspective, most kickers in the NFL can't hit a ball that far, much less at a target much ***aller than the NFL's huge goal posts... and with a goaltender.

Did Beckham is a soft-spoken guy. He isn't a particularly graceful talker, but when you're a good-looking guy, that's only a to women. Whether it's his blond hair, his model looks, or his athletici***, we're sure that quite a few women across the world became teary-eyed when he married former Spice Girl Victoria "Posh" Adams.

But it seems that Beckham is still attracting the honeys. In 2004, his personal assistant, Rebecca Loos, admitted that she had an affair with Beckham.

Two years later, glamour model Emma Ryan insisted that she and Did had a love affair. Since things are still going strong with his wife, we can only conclude that this guy definitely has a way with the ladies.

Sometimes Did wishes he wasn't so famous; the attempted kidning of his son is the kind of event that makes you want to disear into oblivion. His throng of fans bring him extra publicity, but it also brings more critics, including those who attempted to lynch him for his 1998 World Cup red card.

Despite the harsh environment, Beckham has continued to improve his play on the field. On the international level, he is captain of the English squad. During his tenure at Manchester United, he won 4 league titles, the F.A. Cup and the prestigious Champions League Cup.

In June 2003, it was announced that Real Madrid, home to star players like Zinedine Zidane, Luis Figo, and Ronaldo, would pay a tranfer fee of $41 million US for the superstar midfielder. He has also become a part of mainstream pop culture, thanks to the huge hit of summer 2003, Bend It Like Beckham, and his status as the poster boy for the latest buzz word, "metroual."

Although Beckham is no longer captain of the England football team, Endorsements like his $160 million lifetime deal with Adidas and other lucrative relationships with PepsiCo, Vodafone, Marks & Spencer, and his line of cologne keep him constantly in the spotlight

His wife, Victoria, was known as the most stylish of the Spice Girls, and her sense of fashion has rubbed off on Did. He has gone from a simple boy, to an icon in trendy British magazines. Whenever he gets a new haircut, it's right there on the cover of every paper, and it's safe to say that he can pull off any look he chooses. Now how many athletes he become trendsetters?

实况足球10里面的球员全是英文,能不能该成中文阿。拜托了各位 谢谢

球衣号 球员 英文名 位置 生日 国籍 身高 体重 出场 进球 5 菲利波维奇 Zeljko Filipovic 中前卫 1988-10-03 斯洛文尼亚 194 80 5 0 6 米莱奇 Martin Milec 左前卫 1991-09-20 斯洛文尼亚 174 71 2 0 7 梅加奇 Ales Mejac 右后卫 1983-03-18 斯洛文尼亚 180 73 5 0 8 梅兹加 Dejan Mezga 右前卫 1985-07-16 克罗地亚 175 71 2 0 9 塔瓦雷斯 Marcos Tares 前锋 -03-30 巴西 175 82 5 3 12 普里迪加 Marko Pridigar 门将 1985-05-18 斯洛文尼亚 188 72 0 0 14 门迪 Jean Philippe Mendy 前锋 1987-04-23 法国 1905 4 17 斯姆雷卡尔 Matija ***rekar 前锋 1989-04-08 克罗地亚 185 73  20 茨维亚诺维奇 Goran Cvijanovic 右前卫 1986-09-09 斯洛文尼亚 178 74 2 0 21 德维舍维奇 Amir Dervisevic 前卫 1992-07-04 斯洛文尼亚 1954 1 22 波托卡尔 Nejc Potokar 中后卫 1988-12-02 斯洛文尼亚 189 82 4 0 24 特莱科夫斯基 Dejan Trajkovski 左后卫 1992-04-14 斯洛文尼亚 175 64 3 0 25 莫拉瓦奇 Ranko Morac 右前卫 1995-01-25 斯洛文尼亚 173    26 拉伊切维奇 Aleksander Rajcevic 中后卫 1986-11-17 斯洛文尼亚 188 83 4 0 28 维勒 Mitja Viler 左后卫 1986-09-01 斯洛文尼亚 180 75 4 0 29 多德莱克 Timotej Dodlek 右前卫 1989-11-23 斯洛文尼亚 183 71 2 0 33 汉达诺维奇 Ja***in Handanovic 门将 18-01-28 斯洛文尼亚 196 98 6 0 39 博哈尔 Damjan Bohar 右边锋 1991-10-18 斯洛文尼亚 172 70 5 3 44 阿尔古斯 Arghus 中后卫 1988-01-19 巴西 186 83 3 0 45 梅夫利亚 Nejc Mevlja 中后卫 1990-06-12 斯洛文尼亚 1892 0 70 梅特利 Ales Mertelj 右前卫 1987-03-22 斯洛文尼亚 183 79 6 1 71 法吉奇 Nu***ir Fajic 前锋 1987-01-12 波黑 191 85 6 4 92 希尔尼奇 Matic Crnic 中前卫 1992-06-12 斯洛文尼亚 174 69 4 2

(随便哪里都可以下个中文补丁) 1、准备好Winning Eleven X游戏的原版备份镜像,并确认镜像的大小为7,572,881,408 字节。 2、使用补丁tools目录里的PPF-O-MATIC3,在Iso File栏里选中WEX原版备份镜像,Patch栏里选中补丁根目录下的Winning_Eleven_x_EPT+WEM_Patch_v1.0.ppf文件,按下Apply后提示补丁已经打入,此时游戏文本汉化与全球员名中文化的效果已经达成,可直接进入第4步进行刻录。 3、欲使用游戏文本汉化与全球员名中文化效果的朋友可以跳过这一步直接进入第4步开始刻录。欲使用游戏文本汉化与全球员名英文化(中、日、韩球员名皆为中文)的朋友请继续用PPF-O-MATIC3打开第2步里打上补丁的游戏镜像,在Patch栏里选中补丁根目录下的Winning_Eleven_x_EPT+WEM_Patch_v1.0_English_Name.ppf文件,按下Apply后提示补丁已经打入,此时游戏文本汉化与全球员名英文化(中、日、韩球员名皆为中文)的效果已经达成。 4、将最后做好的补丁镜像刻录到一张DVD DL+R上。(推荐使用ImgBurn进行刻录) 5、经过漫长的等待,开始享受游戏吧:)。 转自wangli55
