
tamoadmin 球队专区 2024-09-02 0
  1. elatedlink>68
  2. 各种球类 水果 蔬菜 的英文单词,和1~12月 周一到周日 的英文单词
  3. 实况足球10球场中文名
  4. 小学四年级英语单词
  5. 莱斯特城在实况足球叫什么

橙色革命——荷兰足球 荷兰足球是一个让人着迷的概念,既矛盾又和谐,既深奥又浅显。球员的个人技巧超凡脱俗,集体配合流畅华美。荷兰人在场上是利用空间的艺术家,在场下他们又是能言善辩,能说多门外语的哲学家,甚至荷兰队的橙色球衣也别具一格。荷兰有最优秀的球员,荷兰俱乐部数次征服欧洲,他们曾掀起世界足坛的革命,但他们也屡屡在国际大赛中功败垂成,最可惜的就是14年和18年世界杯连续兵败决赛。 撰写此文,讲述的不仅仅是荷兰在这两届世界杯上的故事,而是回顾荷兰全能足球兴起的过程,探究1965至14年间的社会、政治和文化因素对荷兰足球的影响。这不是对比赛过程的简单描述,而是从更为广阔的社会背景,揭示荷兰足球崛起的原因和含义,通过一个个球员的经历,唤起那些尘封的记忆。 一场洪水带来职业化 世界杯自乌拉圭发轫,距今已75年,在644场决赛周的比赛中,争议、丑闻和天才俯拾皆是,可从来没有哪场比赛像14年德国同荷兰的决赛那样,在一个国家的灵魂深处留下如此深刻的烙印,在一个民族的感情自尊上留下如此难以愈合的创伤,在球迷的内心激起如此广泛的遗憾和同情。那是一场波澜壮阔的革命的最***,也是一场令人潸然泪下的悲剧的最强音。 20世纪一大灾难。 有些事情似乎风马牛不相及,14年7月7日在慕尼黑进行的一场足球比赛,和1963年11月22日在美国德克萨斯州达拉斯城的一桩枪击案,有什么相关?荷兰已经将大力神杯半抱入怀,但得而复失;肯尼迪夫妇遭伏击,总统和州长一死一伤,美国人一度拥有,但最终失去了他们历史上最年轻有为的领袖。尽管二者在时间和地点上相隔如此遥远,但有一点是相通的:肯尼迪被刺对美国人是个巨大的精神打击,美国的国策也因之偏离了既定走向;荷兰在迈向光荣和不朽的关头功败垂成,输给了他们憎恨和嫉妒的德国人,这份失落在人潮散尽后,逐渐涌上荷兰人的心头,噩梦般沉重持久,挥之不去。 在荷兰人眼里,这场失利绝非一场球赛那么简单,它承载了郁金香们太多的理想和寄托,引发了“海上马车夫”对二战、对未来和对自身的种种反思。一场球赛具有如此深邃的哲学内涵,在其他的民族看来不仅匪夷所思,更不堪负荷。但荷兰人勤思善辨,喜欢追根究底,踢球做人都目标明确,否则很难解释为什么是他们,而不是德国、巴西或者英格兰发起一场震撼人心的革命,而革命的结果竟然是如此沉痛。 荷兰无法忘记这场改变历史和命运的决赛。1994年,一个学术机构在那场决赛20周年之际做了次调查,发现几乎每个经历那场悲剧的人,都清晰地记得当时自己身在何处,所为何事。荷兰戏剧家蒂莫斯在研究这场不幸及其后遗症后总结道:这是荷兰20世纪的三大灾难之一,仅次于1953年的洪水和二战被近邻侵占。 令人不解的是,这份悲痛在当时并没有那么强烈,即使有,荷兰人也许把它深藏内心。表面上,他们热烈欢迎国脚们归来——不管输赢——他们都是国人心目中的英雄:是他们将豪迈壮丽的全能足球带给了世界,并在战后首次参加世界杯就打进了决赛。米歇尔斯和队员们在阿姆斯特丹市中心广场受到万众景仰和称颂,随后还蒙女王召见和赐宴。 时过境迁,荷兰人越品味这场失败,越觉得含恨无比,一位心理学家说:“我们不敢承认这场比赛对我们如此重要,不愿承认我们对它是那么在乎,这个心灵的创伤太深了,深得我们很久不敢去触动它。14,就像是一道永恒的伤疤,一个没有被惩罚的罪案。”这场失落的决赛,成了荷兰人谈论足球必然导致的终极话题,即使一个普通人也会在聊起它时黯然神伤。笔者2004年6月去里斯本访途中在阿姆斯特丹转机,一位年轻海关官员给我留下了这样的印象:“啊,14年,我们虽然球踢得好看,可总是赢不了什么。” 荷兰输给西德,不仅象征着一个足球理想的死亡,也意味着1960年代遍及欧洲的种种喧嚣和狂热暗淡收场,其文化含义远远超出足球本身,它是荷兰在10年代社会和政治变革的一个分水岭:在这之后,乐观让位于宿命,期盼变成了怀疑。决赛后不久,荷兰社会党垮台了,该党是1960年代理想主义者的代表,以宽容及和平为治国之本,劝告世人像荷兰那样忘记过去,和伤害过自己的人共存共荣。 谜一般的悲剧 至今,仍有谜团无法解开,仍有设没有答案,借用丘吉尔的话,就是“一个谜的盒子里,一块谜的布,包着一个谜。” 为什么历史上最伟大的球队——克鲁伊夫、范哈内亨、内斯肯斯、克洛尔、阿里·汉——会输给远不如他们的西德?为什么西德两次挑战当时世界上最强大的对手(1954年战胜普斯卡什领衔的匈牙利),都能爆冷夺得冠军?为什么荷兰在80秒内进了一球,但在随后的25分钟里再无建树直至被对手翻盘?为什么荷兰乃至全世界最杰出的一代球员在决赛才犯这种错误?究竟是伦森布林克有伤影响了整体配合?还是克鲁伊夫的太太打电话干扰了夫君的情绪?究竟是德国媒体蓄意捏造“女郎”丑闻动摇了荷兰的军心?还是西德的战术打法对头最终取得了胜利?为什么荷兰每逢大赛总受困于内讧?为什么荷兰连续在世界杯决赛输给东道主?如果14年的决赛是荷兰人的梦魇,为什么18年的决赛没有引发类似的情感?如果14年的决赛是荷兰足球和社会发展的分水岭,18年的决赛该有什么样的地位?问题可以一直问下去…… 也许10年世界杯的巴西在人们眼里更伟大,更神圣,因为大部分人爱看大团圆的结局——最强大的球队最后夺冠,功德圆满,皆大欢喜。但恰恰是同样群星璀璨的荷兰输了,这个不亚于罗密欧和朱丽叶式的悲剧,便带着摄魂夺魄的魅力和诱惑。2005年3月初,“荷兰足球之父”米歇尔斯辞世,更激发笔者去探究他们失败的内在原因,去经历一次英雄曾经历的悲怆。 荷兰足球是一种哲学,至今仍带有阿贾克斯学派的鲜明印记。看一眼荷兰人的跑动和传球,会立即给你留下独一无二的印象:球的线路是那么符合几何美学,人的位置又和空间配合得那么妙不可言,极为复杂的战术概念经他们演绎,化为场上朴实无华的动作,浑然天成。看他们踢球,是一种温暖和激动的享受,让你按捺不住,屏息失语。甚至荷兰队的球衣颜色也极具原创精神,不像法国、南斯拉夫和俄罗斯等国那样按国旗的蓝白红三色搭配,而是独具慧眼,以1948年奥运会的荷兰田径女英雄布兰克斯-科恩的橙色运动衣为荣——蓝天白云之下,绿茵场上跳跃着一抹橙色,真是匠心独具,让人心神为之一振。 荷兰球员也是充满魅力,矛盾和谐共存的奇妙物种。许多英格兰、意大利和西班牙的球员母语都未必说得流畅,但无论早年的克鲁伊夫、克洛尔、阿里·汉、米歇尔斯,还是后来的古力特、范巴斯滕、科曼、里杰卡尔德、范加尔,都能操流利的外语和外国媒体侃侃而谈。他们能言善辩,思维敏捷,既讲究整体的严谨又注重个性的自由。在荷兰,足球是艺术,是美感,是意识。即使盘带和射门俱佳,你也未必受到观众的爱戴和媒体的赞扬。博格坎普曾说:“对于不好看的进球,在下没有什么兴趣。”莱因克尔这么难得的射手,在克鲁伊夫的眼里也价值寥寥,他先把英格兰人安排在右翼,最后打发后者回家。如此神奇的集体,你无论如何也想不通他们为什么会一而再,再而三饮恨世界杯。 本文讲述的,不仅仅是荷兰在两届世界杯决赛折戟的故事,而是回顾荷兰全能足球兴起的过程,探究1965到14这10年社会、政治和文化因素对荷兰足球的影响,藉此勾起那尘封的回忆——尽管苦涩,但不失美好。 10年职业化进程 荷兰足球在二战后的25年里一直默默无闻,荷兰国家队虽然在战前参加过两届世界杯,但水平和战绩微不足道,战后30年里只配和爱尔兰、卢森堡和挪威这些“鱼腩”为伍,毫无地位。荷兰足球在历史上也非一无是处,他们在1902年就倡议建立国际足球的管理机构,并在两年后成为国际足联的发起成员,是欧洲大陆普及足球运动仅次于丹麦的国家。英格兰职业球队在19世纪末频频出访该国,是为英荷足球血脉相连的源头,包括阿贾克斯在内的多家荷兰俱乐部日后称霸国内足坛,就有许多英格兰教练的功劳。荷兰在20世纪初的国际赛场上短暂地风光过——1920年和1924年连拿两届奥运足球铜牌,当时还没有世界杯,奥运铜牌得主自然就是世界季军了。 严格来讲,荷兰只是在职业足球圈子里没有地位,在业余足坛则是不容轻视的力量。为“业余”二字所累,荷兰足球足足等了50年才重新踏进顶级赛事的决赛场,更绝的是,那两次奥运会半决赛的经历似乎注定了日后荷兰屡屡在半决赛或者半决赛前功亏一篑。业余足球的体制拖了荷兰足球发展的后腿,1949年到1955年间,荷兰打了26场国际比赛,输了22场,只赢了两场。他们竟然打不过卢森堡和北爱尔兰:前者居然在“主场”鹿特丹2比1取胜,将荷兰淘汰出1964年,后者索性将他们挡在1966年世界杯门外。 不过,西德足球在战后也保持了相当长时间的业余状态,直到1963年才开创职业联赛,荷兰足球职业化领先了近邻8载,反倒是西德首次打进世界杯就抡元了。值得一提的是,荷兰因为没有职业选手,拒绝了战后头两届世界杯,1954年推行职业化后名正言顺了,却连着4届不得其门而入——奥地利、匈牙利和保加利亚是“辣手摧花”的另外三家。既然过去如此不济,荷兰队哪来的神力,一夜之间变成了白天鹅?捷克和阿根廷不也是首次参加世界杯就打进了决赛? 荷兰的蜕变并非旦夕而成,其职业化经历了10年的尝试,1960年代中期才逐渐有了规模。从1965年到14年,是荷兰足球卧薪尝胆的10年,在米歇尔斯的推动下,阿贾克斯迅速崛起,和费耶诺德轮流统治荷兰足坛,为14年世界杯一鸣惊人打下了基础。 业余,是荷兰足球战后10年的标签。实行职业化之前,许多有天赋的荷兰球员纷纷到工资高的意大利或西班牙谋生。这种“叛逆”行为一旦被荷兰足协发现,必遭禁赛处罚。1950年代初,荷兰有一位盘球和射门的高手名叫法斯·威尔克斯,绰号“鹿特丹的蒙娜丽莎”,是克鲁伊夫儿时的偶像,他在1950年加盟国际米兰,结果被荷兰国家队除名长达4年之久。 有件事促成了职业化的到来。1953年,荷兰西南部的泽兰地区发生特大洪水,荷兰的一批尖子球员自发前往巴黎和法国义赛,为灾民募捐。此事居然遭到荷兰足协的公开反对。足协前卡雷尔·洛特西出身贵族,曾在战前担任国家队主教练,在荷兰足坛一言九鼎,足协的许多官员是他的门徒。他是职业化的死对头,最喜欢在重大赛事前道貌岸然,声如洪钟地说教,主题无非是每个球员要恪尽职守,为国争光,不计名利云云。可在19年,荷兰记者揭了他的老底:洛特西在战时曾和纳粹勾结,甚至不等德国人开口,就把犹太球员赶出了国家队。这场义赛迫使足协妥协,职业联赛终于在1954年开锣。1988年,“三剑客”古利特、里杰卡尔德、巴斯滕加盟意甲豪门AC米兰,并横扫马德里,并在决赛4比0夺得冠军杯,这也标志着荷兰辉煌时代的到来。 一张木桌就是护理床 尽管如此,荷兰大部分俱乐部仍是业余选手、***球员的天下,衣着打扮都透着不专业,直到1960年代初仍没有多少改变。两件小事很说明问题。1959年,一位名叫穆勒的理疗师第一天在阿贾克斯上班,发现医护设备仅仅是一张木桌和一床铺过马背的毯子。他向主教练赫门博格和队医博斯图马建议买张先进的护理床,他俩瞪着眼睛,以为他疯了:“好了,别把这里风气带坏了。我们在这张木桌上护理球员都50年了,不也挺好?”博斯图马个性强悍,对己对人都很严厉。如果哪位球员觉得不妥去找他,他总是轻描淡写地说:“没事儿,腿脚都没断,吃片阿司匹林,接着踢!”他还洋洋得意地冲穆勒说:“我踢球那会儿,要自己划线,搭球门,挂网,你还是少来这些浪费钱的玩艺儿吧!” 直到1960年代中期,许多荷兰球员的薪水尚不足以养家糊口,就连阿贾克斯这样的名旅也不例外。克鲁伊夫除了晚上训练,白天在一家体育杂志的印刷厂***,甚至还要抱着杂志当街叫卖;左边锋凯泽尔开了一个小铺子专卖香烟;右边锋施瓦特还是一家杂货店的老板。在其执教的第二个赛季,米歇尔斯说服俱乐部和大老板给球员加薪,保证不拖欠工钱。从此,球员白天训练,晚上休息,士气和凝聚力大为提高。 训练很能反映球队的水平。在业余时代,荷兰球员不缺技术,但体能总跟不上,也不如其他国家球员强壮,大部分球队的体能训练枯燥单调,许多教练只知道让球员跑圈,而且一跑就是1万米。米歇尔斯引进了一系列新鲜有趣的训练方法,随后各个球队开始仿效。 在场上,荷兰人的战术也落后世界一大截,匈牙利人在1953年之前就已经对原有的WM阵型进行了改良,让中锋希代古提后撤变成334,这一战术革新彻底打垮了英格兰人引以为荣的经典阵式,巴西人又在匈牙利人的战术基础上更新,在1958年世界杯推出424,攻防更趋平衡。同期,意大利人也在尝试,将瑞士人的“门闩”打法改成了“链式防守”。荷兰人对这些战术潮流充耳不闻,沿用英格兰人都早已抛弃20多年之久的235阵型。英格兰教练查普曼1930年代中期在阿森纳将中前卫后撤变成中卫,荷兰到1960年代初还只安排两名后卫,这样出去比赛,安得不输?1957年,荷兰1比5输给西班牙,1958年在阿姆斯特丹1比2不敌土耳其,1959年西德7比0将荷兰打得溃不成军。 球员只是号码 米歇尔斯也是业余足球时代过来的人,但他具有非凡的远见,深知荷兰足球的弊端。从当年在英格兰人雷诺兹手下踢球时,他就明白荷兰足球缺的不是个人技术,孩子们自小就在大街上踢球,个人技巧娴熟,缺的是整体和组织。他一上台就开始抓整体,摒弃落伍的235,用巴西人的424阵型,从稳固后防着手改造球队。 荷兰球员出名懒散和自负,米歇尔斯明白要成功,就不能再当好人。他的很多训练手段在今天看来也是颇为先进的,而且训练量巨大,虽然不跑1万米,两千米的小跑则免不了,但不是在田径跑道上,而是在森林里。每天有5堂训练课:从早上7点开始,10点半是冲刺、弹跳和体操等专项训练,历时1小时15分钟,期间不许吃喝,发现了训练加倍,球员忍不住偷喝水,总逃不脱被逮住:“到处是间谍!”球员们私下抱怨。这套方法在20年后被苏格兰人弗格森***到曼联,他在老特拉福德也实行全面“军管”。米歇尔斯在下午两点半开始专项技术训练,边锋在冲刺中传中,后卫练习套边助攻,中锋练习摆脱和抢点,前卫练习盘带和拦截,5点则是5人制比赛,谁在训练赛中表现不佳,绝对没有上场机会。即使酷爱跑步的德国人也没有练得这么狠。 训练场上米歇尔斯是魔鬼:“队员在场上只是号码,不是人!”许多球员开始很不习惯,背地里骂他“暴君”、“”,但平时和球员喝酒聊天时,他又非常和蔼慈祥,因此又得了个“斯芬克斯”的绰号。无论怎么称呼,这些外号都代表着严厉和纪律。 米歇尔斯并不是一开始就在阿贾克斯试验全能足球,确切一点,他不知道什么是全能足球。多年后别人把这个时髦的词汇挂在嘴边说个不停,他自己居然还不知道对方在说什么。米歇尔斯在接手球队时,阿贾克斯的情形并不妙,他的第一个任务是保级,前任英格兰人白金汉1960-61赛季率队参加冠军杯,第一轮就被挪威冠军弗雷德里克斯塔特给踢了回来,之后成绩飘忽不定。1965年1月21日4比9输给死敌费耶诺德后不久,阿贾克斯让米歇尔斯接替了巴金汉。米歇尔斯带队的首场比赛以9比3重创马斯特里赫特,赢得俱乐部的信任,在他带队的12场比赛中,阿贾克斯3胜5平4负,保级成功。第二个赛季,米歇尔斯的魔鬼训练法收效,阿贾克斯夺得荷甲桂冠。米歇尔斯多年后回忆道:“我的第一个任务是要在联赛取得好成绩,培养良好的团队精神,然后才是吸收高水平的球员,在攻防上取得平衡。” 荷兰足坛在战后20年里是群雄并起的“战国时代”,其中阿贾克斯、费耶诺德、威廉二世和PSV埃因霍温的成绩稍好,甚至PSV的同城小兄弟埃因霍温也在1953-54赛季拿过一次联赛冠军。40年后,切尔西要把PSV变成他们的预备队,荷兰人搞了半天才意识到阿布要的不是如今的小球队埃因霍温。但从1965年费耶诺德夺回联赛头衔开始,荷兰足坛进入了鹿特丹和阿姆斯特丹轮流坐庄,最后又以费耶诺德夺冠告终的“南北朝”,谁曾想到,这10年将是荷兰迈向欧洲并最终获得世界承认的黄金年代? 世纪60年代全球政治经济发生的巨大变化,令新一代年轻人寻求自由和个性解放的运动达到***,荷兰足球也在这样的背景下发生了革命。“叛逆天才”克鲁伊夫和主教练米歇尔斯为阿贾克斯未来统治欧洲打下了基础。 整体和空间乃荷兰足球两大要素,其他足球文化也许孕育了射门机器,盘带***或者垄断冠军的巨无霸,但哪个民族都无法像荷兰人那样,以如此抽象和富于建筑美感的方式设计他们的风格。阿贾克斯以及荷兰国家队一脉相承,都通过跑动和传球拓展空间,被世人誉为“穿球鞋的毕达格拉斯”。




1. 足球英语作文10篇

football is tHe most popular ball in the world. more and more people like watching football matches. they can't sleep or eat when their teams are playing.they shout for their players. i think many chinese football player he done better match after match since the professional football league of china was set up. but we still he a long way to go to asia and to the world. we should learn from foreign teams. foreign players and es must be invited. dalian wanda, shanghai shenhua and guangd0ng apollo are among the best.。

2. 在线等一篇关于足球英语作文


The importance of individual in football team

Being the most titled football team at international level. Ac Milan has the most faithful fans all over the world including me; history witnessed the unprecedented, unmatched and unparalleled streak of 58 unbeaten games from may1991 to April 1993. Although AC Milan also falls from level A to level B, it never fails to enlighten the football field even in its darkest days.

Milan heroes are also remembered by fans in deep heart. Van Basten, Guilt ,Baresi, and so on. Whenever I heard these names, I felt my blood heated, although whether a team can win depends on the ability of the whole group, the individual's ability was also a key to win.

Each Milan fan knows the “divine swan” van Basten. He is one of the greatest player people he ever known. He led Milan to champion again and again. His most striking record is that he had 4 goals in only 29 minutes. If there were no him, Milan wouldn't be able to achieve so many unfettable wins and undeniable triumphs.

Another example is Sherchenko, an Ukrainian player. Once he was the leader of the whole team. He would destroy all oppositions in his path. It's believed that he would be the caption. At the beginning of this season, He left Milan to Chelsea FC of England. His lee was really a great loss to Milan. So far, Milan had really done a poor job in this season, although other players tried very hard.

To conclude,individual's ability is really a decisive element in determining the fate of a match and often the whole team. The importance of individual is equal to the whole group while watching the matches how I wish I can see Shevchenko score again and lead Milan to next victory.

3. 关于足球介绍的英语作文

Association football, more monly known as football or , is a team sport played beeen o teams of eleven players, and is widely considered to be the most popular sport in the world.[1][2][3][4] It is a football variant played on a rectangular grass or artificial turf field, with a goal at each of the short ends. The object of the game is to score by manoeuvring the ball into the opposing goal. In general play, the goalkeepers are the only players allowed to use their hands or arms to propel the ball; the rest of the team usually use their feet to kick the ball into position, occasionally using their torso or head to intercept a ball in midair. The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is tied at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extra time and/or a penalty shootout, depending on the format of the petition.

The modern game was codified in England following the formation of The Football Association, whose 1863 Laws of the Game created the foundations for the way the sport is played today. Football is governed internationally by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (International Federation of Association Football), monly known by the acronym FIFA. The most prestigious international football petition is the FIFA World Cup, held every four years. This event, the most widely viewed in the world, boasts an audience ice that of the Summer Olympic Games.

4. 急求一篇关于足球的英语作文或演讲

Football in ChinaWhen I still was a *** all child, I he formed an unrealistic picture of my future life, I thought that I will bee an excellent football player or bee other sport player. I shall help China team fly out Asia and attend the world cup of FIFA to get illustrious achievement, so I shall owe my sky which like a sort of paradise. But with my growth, the other side of the picture eared, furthermore it was quite the opposite. My life should be in an office instead of a football field. My former picture only is a dream which never e true. There is not an element of truth in the first picture, and it is unnecessary to he opportunity to find out. The China football is too disointed to us!In recent years, I only wish the China football team stay at the top grade of Asia longer. But it is impossible. The China football team just likes a badly damaged boat, but Korea, Iran and Japan like aircraft carriers. So China team has draggled out and away. The boat continually sinks and should he it repaired. Now they he fallen to be the third grade of Asia football scopes, and they so much as can not defeat Singapore team. The Australia team which nearly eliminated the powerful Italy team at the field of world cup has joined the Asia football scopes, but this does not prove to be problem. The Chinese football officer will instigate the Australia team join the Europe football scopes. Certainly the instigated countries include Korea, Iran, Japan and Singapore too. Hence, the China football team would be genuinely sorry that they would not reciate the wonderful celebration action of the above teams for score when they he a match each other in a same field. 中国足球 当我还是一个孩子的时候,我已经形成了一种不切实际的想法我的未来的生活,我认为我能成为一名优秀的足球运动员,要么成为其他运动的球员。



目前还没有一个真理的成分在第一幅画中,这是不必要的,有机会去发现它。中国足球是太失望与我们联络! 近年来,我只希望中国足球队呆在上品的亚洲更长。






5. 初一英语作文招聘足球队员的

Recruit player of the school basketball team.Hope that students like play basketball to actively ly, win honors for schools. And play basketball can make you more healthy. if you want ly, please contact Zhang Hui, his phone number is 2810015.写了不少 纯原创手工 加分吧。

6. 有关足球的英语作文

One day, the weather was fine. Siu-ming and a group of *** all partners into a green lawn for . They are divided into o teams, one team is red team, a team of the yellow team. Xiao-Ming Huang team is team Scud. Soon as the whistle, the football from the personal side, crossed the red team's Xiaogang what a Scud, the football played high, and far off. "Ah, scored a of the yellow team!" Red team members were excited to cheer for him desperately, and some emotion is so intense it will be Xiaogang high toss. This makes yellow team members were very angry, and Scud-Xiao Ming can be angry it! He played much football kick put the football on the ground Gulugulu to roll forward, Xiao-Ming Qi Gugu, the cheek side of a transparent shed sweat, the mouth pursed, hot pursuit of letting go. Catching up with her aunt to one of the window, stood on a windowsill that a pot of bright red aunts of the most beloved of the Chinese rose. Xiao-Ming is too angry, and kicked the football kicked the air, -shun straight from the air fall to the sill of the basin of Chinese rose knocked over. Xiao-Ming, see things were not going to immediately adopt the football to whom Aunt's doorstep. "Dongdong Dong", Xiao-Ming Qiaoliaojixia door gently. Squeak ----- Suddenly the door opened, and before him stood an aunt, aunts, kindly, said: "Come in", Xiao-Ming for aunt sat on the sofa, ***all said: "Auntie, I am sorry, I put you The pot shattered. "aunt, said:" Never mind, you are really honest child! "Xiao-Ming Zizi sweet heart, and hily go home.一天,天气晴朗。







7. 足球赛的英语作文

Soccer, the sport I started playing when I was four years old. After almost 14 years of playing the sport I loved, we were playing Ocala Vanguard in the District tournament for my high school team, Lee *** urg; if we lost it would be game over for me and my 15 other senior teammates. We knew we had to play strong just to he a chance against them, and oh what a game it was.

February 12, 2010, it was time to put that Lee *** urg orange and black jersey on. We stepped off the bus at the Vanguard stadium in Ocala; I could hear the screaming fans cheering on the teams that were already playing before us. I walked along the concrete path toward the stadium entrance with my bag stred along my shoulders, and I *** elt that nice cool breeze and thought to myself “It's a nice night to play some .” We walked all the way to the visitor's bench and started putting our equipment on. I tied up my cleats extra tight, and had a sense it was going to be a long night. In our previous game of the district tournament we edged Lake Weir 4-1, yet we get off to shaky start, letting them score the first goal. After I scored the first goal for my team with a diving header off of a corner kick it really changed the momentum around and we dominated the rest of the game. We knew for sure as a team, we couldn't fall behind tonight and expect to e back against the number one seeded team in the district.

It had been about o weeks earlier when we faced up against Vanguard for the second time, and it was their senior night, we had a total of 11 yellow and 2 red cards that night in a 7-3 loss. Many of our players, including me, were mad about how that game turned out and boy were we excited tonight, looking for some payback. We started out that night with our traditional warm ups, running like crazy to get our blood pumped up and our mind in the game.


8. 初中英语作文关于足球十句话左右

Football is a team-work sport.(足球是一项团队运动。)

Football is one of the fourite sports in the u.s.a.(足球是美国最受喜爱的运动之一。)

The world cup is a football feast.(世界杯是一场足球的盛宴。)

Every weekend, our school will anize a football game.(每周末我们学校都会组织足球比赛。)

In Europe, there are many well-known football club.(在欧洲,有许多知名的足球俱乐部。)

Beckham is a famous British star.(贝克汉姆是英国著名的足球明星。)

Football has a long history in china。(足球在中国有着很悠久的历史。)

It seems to me that the secret of winning in football is teamwork.(我看打赢足球的秘诀在于团队合作。)


9. 足球作文(英语)

Wonderful football

One afternoon, after school about a Jack to play along with several clas *** ates. They looked for a while, finally found a piece of open space, they can not wait to e up with the chalk, o bags as a goal, draw with chalk from the middle of midfield, and then throwing coins means to determine the first kick-off, one of the children Shouted: "Come Come, to watch the. This time to a lot of kids like football." They work well at first, Jack is a goalkeeper, is one of the most eye-catching look at the *** s in this match. Competition started on the remarkable, let no one who is doing the best. Due to the wonderful game, all the children shouted: "refueling tanker." Inspired the voice of the players, midfield after the game, a few people who sit on the floor. All of a sudden the sky clouds, thunder lightning, children and *** s are not willing to go home.

The beginning of the second half, due to the rain because the grass is very slippery, it will accidentally fall. But not beat them, and still play in the first half as exciting. No loud words, there is no noise of the car. Everyone stared at the ball game. No one refused to take even that 70-year-old man also looked at the windows in the game. Only the final 10 minutes, everyone is reluctant to give up the game.

Nine of the game is over, looking at clothes on the mud, with leg wounds, no one would he thought that 90 minutes of the game is labeled as 1:1.

By now the most tense penalty shootout. The rule is a penalty shot six teams each, to see who's more into. Jack to the test of time, you hold your breath, and look forward to the great Jack.

Then more rain under the greater, with the referee's whistle, the players started to shoot. Jack final team to a 7:6 win a point opponents, who face what you are hy because they played a good tournament.

各种球类 水果 蔬菜 的英文单词,和1~12月 周一到周日 的英文单词





安哥拉:angola lead the way,our team is our people(安哥拉领跑,我们全民皆兵)

阿根廷:get up,argentina are on the move(起来,阿根廷在行动)

澳大利亚:australia's oos-bound for glory(足球袋鼠-注定辉煌)

巴西:vehicle monitored by 180 million brazilian hearts(被一亿八千万颗心关注的巴西战车)

哥斯达黎加:our army is the team,our weapon is the ball,let's get to germany and give it our all(球队是我们的军队,足球是我们的武器。进军德国,全力以赴)

德国:we are football(我们代表足球)

厄瓜多尔:ecuador my life,football my passion,the cup my goal(厄瓜多尔、我们的生命,足球、我的,奖杯、我们的目标)

科特迪瓦:come on the elephants!win the cup in style(加油,巨象们!潇洒地捧起)

英格兰:one nation,one trophy,eleven lions(一个国家,一座奖杯,11只雄狮)

法国:liberate,egalite,jules rimet!(自由、平等、儒勒斯-雷米特)

加纳:go black stars,the stars of our world(前进吧,黑色之星,世界之星)

伊朗:stars of persia(波斯群星)

意大利:blue pride,italy in our hearts(骄傲的蓝,意大利在我们心中)

日本:light up your samurai spirit!(点燃你的武士精神)

克罗地亚:to the finals with fire in our hearts(带着我们心中的火坚持到底)

墨西哥:aztec passion across the world(阿兹特克横扫世界)

荷兰:orange on the road to gold(橙色军团在之路上)

巴拉圭:from the heart of america...this is the guarani spirit(来自美洲的心脏……这就是瓜拉尼人的精神)

波兰:white and red,dangerous and bre(白与红,威慑与勇气的象征)

葡萄牙: with a flag in the window and a nation on the pitch,forca portugal(赛事一起,举国出动。葡萄牙的力量)

韩国: never-ending legend,united korea(神话尚未结束,韩国团结一心)

沙特: the green hawks cannot be stopped(绿鹰所向披靡)

瑞典:fight!show spirit!come on!you he the support of everyone!(冲吧!展示你的勇气!加油!所有人都支持你!)

瑞士:2006,it's swiss o'clock!(2006,瑞士时间)

塞黑:for the love of the game(为热爱足球而战)

西班牙:spain,one country,one goal(西班牙,一个国家,一个目标)

多哥:a passion to win and a thirst to succeed(对胜利的与对成功的渴望)

特立尼达和多巴哥: here come the soca warriors-the fighting spirit of the caribbean(足球勇士--加勒比海的战斗精神)

捷克共和国:belief and a lion's strength,for victory and our fans(必胜的信心加狮子的力量,为胜利,也为我们的球迷)

突尼斯:the carthage eagles...higher and stronger than ever(迦太基雄鹰,更高更强)

美国:united we play,united we win(合众一心,其利断金)

乌克兰:with our support,ukraine cannot fail to win!(有我们的支持,乌克兰怎能不赢!)


周一到周日Monday Tuesday Wenseday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

月份January February March April May June July August September October November December

篮球basketball 足球football 乒乓球table-tennis 排球volleyball 羽毛球bedminton 网球tennis

苹果Apple 梨pear 香蕉banana 橘子orange 西瓜watermelon 葡萄grape桃子peach

胡萝卜carrot 西红柿tomato 土豆potato洋葱onion cabbage


Kanji Dome | Soro Dome | 日本札幌巨蛋球场

Dietro Monte | Kashima Stadium | 日本茨城鹿岛体育场

Porto Folio | Nissan Stadium | 日本横滨新国际球场

Queens Land Park | Nagai | 日本大阪长居体育场

Haze Hills | Olympic Stadium of Tokyo | 日本东京国立竞技场

Occhio del Mar| Niigata | 日本新泻综合体育场

Ayase Nakano | Oita | 日本大分体育公园综合竞技场

Kusonoko Mihama | Saitama | 日本崎玉体育场

San Siro | 意大利米兰圣西罗球场

Catalonia Stadium | Camp Nou | 西班牙巴塞罗那诺坎普球场

Highbury | 英国伦敦海布利公园球场

Orange Arena | Amsterdam Arena | 荷兰阿姆斯特丹阿雷纳球场

Isaar | Olympiastadion Munchen | 慕尼黑奥林匹亚体育场

Stade Louis II | 法国摩纳哥路易斯二世球场

Old Trafford | 英格兰曼彻斯特老特拉福德球场

Nakhon Ramashima | 泰国那空叻差席玛体育场

Gran Chaco | La Bombonera | 阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯糖果盒体育场

Cuito Cu***e | Vodacom Park | 苏格兰沃达肯公园体育场

Amerigo Atlantis | Nacional Santiago | 智利圣地亚哥国家体育场

Delle Alpi | Delle Alpi | 意大利都灵阿尔皮球场

Stadio Olimpico | 罗马奥林匹克体育场

Stadio Ennio Tardini | 意大利帕尔玛恩尼奥塔迪尼体育场

Stamford Bridge | 英国斯坦福桥体育场

Red Cauldron | Anfield Road | 英国利物浦安菲尔德球场

Lutecia Park | Parc de Princes | 法国巴黎王子公园球场


语文课 Chineseclass

数学课 mathclass

英语课 Englishciass

科学课 scienceciass

美术课 artclass

音乐课 musicclass

体育课 P.E.class Unit 1

computer(计算机) board(写字板) fan(风扇) light(灯) this(这;这个) is(是)

my(我的) that(那;那个) your(你的) teacher’s desk(讲台) picture(图画;照片) wall(墙壁) floor(地板) yes(是;是的) it(它)

Unit 2

one(一) two(二) three(三) four(四) five(五) six(六) seven(七) eight(八) nine(九) ten(十) what(什么) time(时间) it’s=it is …o’clock(…点钟) math(数学) Chinese(语文) English(英语) P.E.(体育) music(音乐) for(为;给) class(课程)

Unit 3

jacket(夹克衫) shirt(衬衫) skirt(裙子) dress(连衣裙) T-shirt(T恤衫) red(红色的) blue(蓝色的) yellow(**的) green(绿色的) white(白色的) no(不;不是) not(不;不是的) colour(颜色)

Unit 4

warm(暖和的) cold(寒冷的) cool(凉爽的) today(今天) jeans(牛仔裤) pants(长裤) socks(袜子) shoes(鞋子) let’s=let us play(玩;踢) football(足球) snowy(下雪的) sunny(晴朗的)

Unit 5

how much(多少钱) big(大的) ***all(小的) long(长的) short(短的) le(苹果) banana(香蕉) pear(梨) orange(橙子) watermelon(西瓜) are(是)

they 它(他、她)们

Unit 6

horse(马) aren’t=are not cat(猫) rabbit(兔子) pig(猪) duck(鸭子) dog(狗) eleven(十一) twelve(十二) thir(十三) fif(十五) twenty(二十) how many(多少) there(那儿;那里)


Unit 1

computer(计算机) board(写字板) fan(风扇) light(灯) this(这;这个) is(是)

my(我的) that(那;那个) your(你的) teacher’s desk(讲台) picture(图画;照片) wall(墙壁) floor(地板) yes(是;是的) it(它)

Unit 2

one(一) two(二) three(三) four(四) five(五) six(六) seven(七) eight(八) nine(九) ten(十) what(什么) time(时间) it’s=it is …o’clock(…点钟) math(数学) Chinese(语文) English(英语) P.E.(体育) music(音乐) for(为;给) class(课程)

Unit 3

jacket(夹克衫) shirt(衬衫) skirt(裙

子) dress(连衣裙) T-shirt(T恤衫) red(红色的) blue(蓝色的) yellow(**的) green(绿色的) white(白色的) no(不;不是) not(不;不是的) colour(颜色)

Unit 4

warm(暖和的) cold(寒冷的) cool(凉爽的) today(今天) jeans(牛仔裤) pants(长裤) socks(袜子) shoes(鞋子) let’s=let us play(玩;踢) football(足球) snowy(下雪的) sunny(晴朗的)

Unit 5

how much(多少钱) big(大的) ***all(小的) long(长的) short(短的) le(苹果) banana(香蕉) pear(梨) orange(橙子) watermelon(西瓜) are(是)

they 它(他、她)们

Unit 6

horse(马) aren’t=are not cat(猫) rabbit(兔子) pig(猪) duck(鸭子) dog(狗) eleven(十一) twelve(十二) thir(十三) fif(十五) twenty(二十) how many(多少) there(那儿;那里

East Midlands 莱切斯特城


North London 阿森纳

West Midlands Village 阿斯顿维拉

Lancashire Claret 伯恩利

London FC(切尔西)

South Norwood 水晶宫

Merseyside Blue 埃弗顿

Yorkshire Orange 胡尔城

East Midlands 莱切斯特城

Merseyside Red 利物浦

Man Blue(曼城)

Manchester United - kits licensed(曼联)

Tyneside 纽卡斯尔联

North West London 女王公园巡游者

Hampshire Red 南安普顿

The Potteries 斯托克城

Wearside 桑德兰

West Glamorgan City 斯旺西

North East London 托特纳姆热刺

West Midlands Stripes 西布朗维奇

East London 西汉姆联